The Old Hag

This made many people of Lyria furious. They didn't really care that the apprentice healer had to beg. After all, it was the old hag's wish on whether or not she would teach the apprentice healer, and it wasn't all that rare to see students begging distinguished teachers to teach them. After all, the skills of a healer could be considered in a way sacred.

But the part that made them all furious was that the old hag was charging the apprentice healer fees to teach her about healing.

Now, this alone wasn't really intrinsically wrong, and if the Lyrians had heard only this, they would have at most scoffed or rolled their eyes, as they were already used to the old hag's money adoring nature already.

At most they would call her a money grubber, as normally only teachers who are teaching stuff like arithmetic and languages would charge money.