Lead me there.

Harry looked at the two brothers that had left his room, and started chuckling. This chuckle slowly grew lower and lower in terms of noise, but became more and more twisted, evil, deep, and cruel.

"My ascent to power... has begun in full motion.", he mumbled with insanity dripping from his voice.


Time slowly trickled by, like it always does. No matter how many events occur, or how much changes, time always slowly trudges on.

Harry looked at the portal above him, the same one that had brought him to this new world.

He then went to his system's interface and read the description of the mining bot. It said, 'Leave in an ore filled mine and this bot will work ten times faster than a normal miner.'

Harry grinned as he read the description. Ten times faster? He knew that he was going to get rich now. He clicked on the use option, at which a human sized robot with pickaxes for hands appeared in front if him.