Himawari arc : Chapter 3.

She laughed. "It's fun. I like to tease you, Daddy, just to see if I can make that monster hard."


She shrugged. "I don't know why, it's kind of like a game, can I make him hard you know? And If I can, I win."

"Well you won, but that's enough for now, time for me to go to bed."

"Wait! I know you don't believe me about mom now." She said, putting her hands on my bare chest. "If I showed you proof that she was, would you leave her?"

"Honey." I sighed.

"No, stop I need to know this." She said panicked.

"I could never leave your mother, even if it came out to be true I love her too much. It would probably be my fault anyway."

"You say that now, but you have to promise not to be mad at me if I show you proof."

She took a breath. I could tell it took a lot out of her to say that, maybe once she realized there was no proof this strange obsession would cease.

"Alright, alright, I promise not to be mad."

"Oh, and you have to promise to not tell mom anything, even if I show you proof." She added.


"I can't tell you, just promise not to tell her please."

"I don't think I can do that baby."

"Please, please, please, I'll do anything just don't tell her."


"I'll suck your cock," she said quickly as if fearing my response.

I froze, my cock flexing with enough force to jolt her slightly. I couldn't believe she had just said that. I didn't even know it was possible before now, wasn't it dirty? I peed from there. Unfortunately for some strange reason, all I could think about was Himawari's soft pink lips wrapped around my cock straining to contain its girth. I groaned.

"Come on, I promise. I'll put that fat thing in my mouth and suck it, lick it and kiss it all over like you deserve, and when the time comes you can paint me with your big load."

"Jesus!" I groaned, one second I didn't even know such a thing was possible and the next I was imagining the filthiest things. My shaft was throbbing so hard at this point I could practically hear my heartbeat from it. "Stop kidding around baby."

"I'm not kidding, I'll do it."

"You can't be saying things like that, we talked about this," I grunted.

"Please, Daddy, you have to promise me." She climbed off me suddenly, the lack of weight restraining my cock allowing it to stand fully against the inside of my shirt, creating a grotesque image as my erection stretched against the inside of my shirt.

To my surprise, she got down on her knees between my legs. She put one hand on each one of my thighs, nails gripping slightly which caused my cock to tremble once more, this was clearly visible to both of us. She scooted up and looked up at me, face inches from my confined balls. "Pretty please Daddy? I'll lick every inch of it, and cover it with kisses, I'll take good care of you, just please."

"You're taking this too far."

"I'll close my eyes. Just put It in my mouth, and I'll give it all the love it deserves, I'll worship it, make it my god." She opened her mouth and let her tongue flop out, her hot breath fogging up as her eyes stayed closed.

I can't believe she was doing this. She must be teasing me, there is no way she wanted to put my cock, in her warm, wet, hot, inviting mouth. As if hypnotized my hand moved towards her and I extended two fingers where her long pink tongue awaited. With them, I gently touched the tip of it.

"Mmm, yesh!" she moaned, suddenly closing her lips around my fingers. She seemed disappointed but I didn't want to look too much into that for fear of ejaculating on myself once again. She opened her eyes and began to suck on my two fingers with such worship and devotion I found myself regretting not putting my cock in there instead. I felt her tongue slobber languidly over the two of them, forcing them apart before squeezing together once again. When her lips venture past my knuckles she obviously didn't choke. As a professional ninja, she was more than capable of handling her gag reflex. I felt the back of her throat and a shiver started from my fingertips as we made eye contact. She was so beautiful seating there her ass the perfect peach observable even from my position, it was shaking from side to side as if trying to entice him to give her the real thing.

Fuck. He had to stop or he would humiliate himself again.

"All right, all right, I promise," I said.

"Mmm, shuck Daddy, pluease Daddy, shuck Daddy, pluease Daddy, shuck Daddy, pluease Daddy," she kept repeating this as she slobbered even more on my finger, wrapping her lips around the side of them slurping up and down their length ferociously, all the while repeating that mantra. It was as if her brain had turned off.

I gently pulled my fingers out of her mouth, eliciting an angry groan as she started to chase after them, when all of a sudden it was like someone had turned the lights on in her brain, she shook her head from side to side as if to clear her mind.

She jumped up. "Oh, you're the best Daddy, thank you!" She sat in my lap and hugged me tight, flattening my cock against my body once more. "WOW! Your cock is super hard right now."

"Of course it's hard what did you expect after teasing me the way you did? What if I had lost control and put in your mouth, what would you have done then?"

She winked at me. "I guess it's for me to know and you to find out."

"Yeah, Yeah, sure. I bet you would have freaked out and hit me with a gentle fist like when you were a little girl."

She pouted. "I might have freaked out, or I might have sucked you dry."

In a part of my mind, I could not help but wonder if she was serious. These days when it came to showing her affection Himawari had taken steps anyone would consider inappropriate without so much as a blink. Some dirty part of my brain could not help but imagine what it would have been like.

"All right, that's enough for tonight, go to bed before you give me a heart attack."

After she got up, we carried the laundry upstairs, my cock still tucked into my shirt unable to calm down. I figured I best go before I lost control once again, I gave her a kiss on the cheek and said, "Goodnight, honey."

"Night Daddy. Thanks for the orgasm." She said before closing the door.

What? What's an orgasm? Must be new lingo with kids who knows.

"Shh!" I whispered, acting like I understood what she said but not wanting her mother in the adjacent room to hear.

"Oops, my bad." She stuck out her tongue.

I smiled and then unable to stop myself enveloped her tongue in a hot wet kiss. She gasped and I immediately pulled away, a string of saliva connecting both our mouths. The taste of her, like cherries.

"Night." She giggled once more rushing into her room and closing the door behind her.

I headed to my bedroom and there laid Hinata in her bed rolled over facing away from the door, her fat ass and tits making a clear pattern on the covers surrounding her body. It was then that something happened inside me, whether it was because I was still hard from Himawari's earlier teasing, or if all the talks of Hinata cheating had affected me somehow, I snapped and found confidence I only had in the heat of battle.

"Hinata We are having sex tonight!" He announced, taking his pants and underwear off in one swift motion.

TWAK, his cock hit his stomach as she turned around frown on her face, obviously about to deny him this but for some reason, at this moment Naruto didn't care about what she wanted. He stalked towards her and smacked her across the face with the enormous cock.

The impact seemed to have rattled his busty wife's brain, her eyes rolling in the back of her head as he could perceive a shiver running through her body. Just as he was about to rip her nightgown apart and reveal the treasures beneath she surprised him. Hinata took a huge whiff of his cock and her tongue seemed to fall out of her mouth as she groaned.

"Fuuuuck." The uncharacteristic appearance of his dignified noble wife causes Naruto to awaken from his stupor.

"Are you okay?" Unbeknownst to Naruto the moment he developed a conscience was the moment the spell cast by his enormous hog lost its power over his wife.

"Na, NARUTO, what do you think you are doing? I already told you we can't ever do this, you are too big you'll kill me." She said her dazed expression slowly vanishing, though she still had drool on the side of her mouth.

"Get out, I can't believe you hit me with it, do you even respect me? How could you do this? GET OUT!" she shouted, face bright pink even in the dark room.

At first, Naruto wanted to respond, explain himself, perhaps blame her cold shoulders for his condition, tell her there were other ways she could satisfy him from now on. But in the end, he couldn't hold her stare as she glared at him, all he could do was turn around and exit the bedroom feeling angry, horny, and sad.

It was in times like these that Naruto felt like he was the only one in this house that cared about their marriage. It was breaking his heart. he marched down the stairs and fell into the couch, groaning at how stupid he had been. All he could do was stare at the ceiling and think of where it had all gone wrong. Hinata was the girl who had stepped in front of Pein for him, and now she wouldn't even help him when he was in pain. Maybe Himawari was right.

"So stupid," I muttered.

Was she really cheating, did the girl who loved me more than anything else no longer care for me? What could I do?

It was clear my marriage was falling apart. The worst part was that it seemed like I was the only one that cared. I grabbed a blanket and draped it over my body, needing a semblance of comfort no matter how small.

I heard the stairs creak and lifted my head to look. Maybe it was Hinata coming to apologize, to start fresh, but my hopes were dashed when Himawari came down the stairs in a sports bra and a pair of sheer white panties that looked like they could barely contain my daughter's wide hips.

"Hey, baby," I said seating up.

"Hey Daddy," she muttered as she sat next to me. "I heard you guys." She frowned.

"Sorry didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine, I'm okay, how are you, Daddy?"

"It's fine, you know just a small spat, nothing serious."

"Didn't sound like a spat to me," she said wrapping her arms around my waist, effortlessly I let mine slide around her back and pulled her tight to my chest, squashing her softness against me. It helped. "Let's play, It'll make you feel better." She smiled.


I laid down on the couch, and she slid under the blanket next to me. Her shoulder was under my armpit, and her head against my chest, her soft balloons mashed up pleasurably against my ribs. They looked like they were about to pop out of the top of her bra, the luscious straining flesh exposed by the pressure not only made me hard but made me salivate as well. She put one leg on top of mine, putting it right on top of my now rapidly hardening shaft as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Don't you feel much better already?" she asked looking into my eyes.

"Yeah, I love your hugs baby."

She stretched and planted soft little kisses and nibbles on my chin. "I'll always give you my best hugs Daddy. They are only for you."

"Thank you, baby," I said rubbing her back. I felt her squirming, her thick muscled thigh rubbing against my flattened cock. I could feel liquid escaping from the tip in response. "It's cold tonight," she said putting her cold feet on top of mine.

"A bit."

"I heard what you guys were talking about." She said looking up at me.


"You are wonderful Daddy, don't think about what she said, if she doesn't want you she doesn't deserve you."

"Honey, please just don't."

"No Daddy, I don't understand how she can treat you like this, she doesn't even try to please you."

It's not like that baby, it's just that she has her own reservations and I was too pushy."

"Please, if I was in her place I would at least try, she doesn't deserve you."

"Okay, okay, can we change the subject please."

"Yes Daddy, I'm sorry."

"I know." I sighed.

She nodded, rubbing her cheek against my chest. "You must still love her a lot?"

"Of course, I love her, your mother has always been there for me, I'll never give up on her just because things are hard."

"I understand that you are loyal Daddy, the best, you never give up on anyone. At some point though you have to look at whether you stay with her because you love her or because you feel you owe her.

"My feelings are my own okay, let's not talk about this."

"I'm just trying to understand this right. How could she get so mad, just because you wanted sex?"

"And she didn't, I shouldn't have pushed."

"Is it because I made you horny Daddy? Is that why you asked?" Himawari asked holding her breath.

"There is no good way to answer that question."

"Okay, then why didn't she want to have sex with you? As far as I know, she never does."

"She didn't want to; she was probably tired."

She looked up at me. "Liar, it's because of your cock isn't it, she doesn't like it?"

"Sigh, no she doesn't."

"Is it because of how big you are daddy?"

"Maybe, she is scared of it."

"Oh," she whispered putting her head back down. Her hand was on my naked chest rubbing in circles. That's when I felt her apply even more pressure against my cock. "Is it really that huge?"

I sighed. "To be frank, she has always feared it. It's my fault for pushing tonight."

She frowned. "I'm so sorry Daddy."

"It's okay, really," I said trying to sound tougher than I felt at the moment.

While still tracing her fingers in circles around my chest she said. "Doesn't it hurt you that she doesn't want you?"

"Yeah, it does." I sighed.

"Poor Daddy." She leaned over and kissed my chest all the while maintaining eye contact, letting me know she loved me just through them. "Let me kiss your hurt and make it better."

I laughed softly. "That's my girl, always taking care of me."

"I can do more," she whispered planting more soft wet open-mouthed kisses on my skin. Her eyes darted up to check my response. I wasn't gonna lie, I loved it so much, I couldn't help but put my hand through her hair stroking the silky texture. "Better now?"


She started giving me small nips with her teeth, trailing upwards until she started kissing my chin. "Can I kiss you, Daddy?"

"Of course, baby."

"Yum," she said, climbing on top of me. Her legs on either side of my waist, her crotch once again pressed firmly on the root of my erection. It throbbed down my leg at the contact oozing even more fluid. Her breast jiggled from the movement inside her bra, I swear those glistening orbs were one step away from escaping as she pressed them firmly on my chest while laying on me. Her nose laid on top of mine, our breaths mingling together as we both primed ourselves for what was to come. "I love kissing you, Daddy."

"You do uh?" I smirked.

She gently pushed her lips into mine, the heat and wet connecting us for much longer than when she usually kissed me on the lips. When she kissed me on the lips before, it used to be a brief contact, but this was different Naruto had never had a kiss like this, he felt like his blood was boiling. And that was before she opened her mouth and closed it around his lower lip.

The feeling was so foreign compared to the chaste kissed he usually shared with Hinata, even the usual kisses between the two of them had never felt like this. For a moment he wondered if his daughter was more experienced than him, but he banished the thought as he was getting too heated to think.

My hands slip up to the back of her head, holding her tight as I also opened my mouth to take hers, taking in her luscious lower lip and sucking it like a man starving. She has always tasted like cherries, but this time there was a trace of something else, a sort of heat. She moaned against my mouth.

It was at this moment that instinct took over, I don't know why but I felt an unstoppable urge to feed her my tongue. So, I did. She squeaked in surprise but didn't pull away, instead, she seemed to melt even more into the kiss. Her mouth closed around my tongue and she sucked into her mouth. I felt her press her tongue against mine, right before she in turn pushed her tongue into my mouth. Copying what she did I sucked it and licked it.

Of all the things Naruto had ever experienced this was one of the most magical. He loved kissing her, in the back of his head he wondered if it was because she was his daughter, or maybe it was just like that because she was the first person with whom he had shared a kiss like this. He felt connected to her more than he ever had with anyone else before, was it because he was letting his lust run rampant. No, this was different, they were just showing their love for one another. I broke the kiss to take a breath and look her in the eyes for any indication that she felt the same.

"Uhm WOW, uhm sorry."


"We don't usually kiss like that."

She smiled not looking the slightest bit displeased. "Yeah, but you liked it, didn't you?"

"Yes," I whispered blushing.

"If you like it, then maybe we should kiss like that more often, just to you know, cheer each other up."

"Yeah, that sounds great," I said.

She grinned. "Then we should keep going until you feel better."

"We should."

"Yessss! Daddy, can I suck your tongue again."

There was no need for a response. She kissed me again, and I opened my mouth to her my tongue folding out and giving her what we both wanted. She sucked on it hard, sliding her full lips up and down it, massaging it with her tongue, our saliva drenching both of our lips as the kiss went on.

My hands roamed over her body. At this point, I was rigid underneath her. I had to remind myself that this was my daughter because my dick sure as hell didn't seem to care. This was all her fault she had to know what she did to me, there was no way this was normal.

My hands went down to her sides first, resting just underneath the curve of her luscious breast. God, how I wanted to squeeze them, I would give anything at this moment to be able to. She had to move away, she had to, otherwise, I don't know how I would be able to stop myself. My dick could dent steel at this point. But she didn't, just moaned into my mouth as our tongues continued their lewd dance.

I roamed even farther down, past her waist towards her little stretched out shorts, containing what I knew was the creamiest most glorious ass on this earth. Something snapped inside me, I let both of my hands slide inside her shorts where to my surprise she wore no panties and rested my hands on her ass. There was so much, it was so soft yet held such power. I had been spanking her ass only a couple of hours ago, somehow in my mind at this moment it made sense that I should repent for having done that by caressing the sweet cheeks.

I squeezed her fat ass, and she responded by pressing her crotch even harder against mine. I felt my cock rise even higher up my leg pressing painfully against the pants of my legs, as I instinctively started humping against her. In response, she ground up against him causing his cock to throb in approval. I needed to put an end to this before it was too late.

I pulled my lips away, taking deep breaths. "Alright, I think I feel better now."

"I think you're feeling a bit more than better, uh Daddy. I can feel how hard your cock is." She smirked at me.

"I know, I feel so bad I'm sorry."

She ground against me again and looked behind her at the straining erection in my pant leg. "I don't think I've ever seen you get this big before."

"uhm… well what did you expect after what happened, I may be your father but I'm still a man."

"Oh, I know Daddy, You 'GRIND' Are 'GRIND' Definitely 'GRIND' A 'GRIND' Man 'GRIND' ."

"What I mean honey is that you are too pretty, for me to control myself while you do these things to me." I groaned.

"I love making you hard." She sighed groaning again.


"I do. It's like you're praising me for making you feel good, and I love making you feel good Daddy."

I smiled. "I know you do, but this is getting out of hand."

"We're just messing around with each other, it's no big deal." She shrugged.

I took my hands outside of her shorts reluctantly and gently patted her butt. "Alright, come now. I'm never going to get soft if you stay on me like this."

She laughed lifting herself off me and lying by my side. "Time to go to bed?"


She nodded. "Can I ask you something first?"

"Yeah, go ahead honey."

"Does mom make you hard like that."

"Not as much, you know she isn't as affectionate as you."

"Daddy?" she mumbled putting her head on my chest.

"Alright, time for bed." I urged, sensing a change in the tone of the conversation.

"One more question please."

"Okay, one more."

She looked me straight in the eyes as she asked. "Can I see it?"

"See what?"

"Your cock."

"Come on, honey."

"I just want to see it, Daddy. I want to know why she is scared of it."

"Alright up, go to bed," I said trying to put more authority in my voice.

"Just let me see it, just for a second, then I'll go to bed I promise Daddy."

"What If your mom sees uh? What then?"

"She won't, she is asleep anyways. Come on please I made it hard, I deserve to see it."

"Honey this is inappropriate, we shouldn't cross this line."

"We don't have lines Daddy, we just love each other in our own ways. Come on, please Daddy I'm curious I've never seen one."

I looked at her. " Be honest honey, once I show you, you're going to be like wow I can't believe he actually showed it, what a perv. Or something like that."

She crossed her finger. "Please Daddy, you know I'd never do that. Just think of it as something educational. Teach me please."

In some sick part of Naruto's brain, this was all he needed to justify showing his daughter his appendage. It must be right if it's only education, right? Yeah, I'm just teaching her what they didn't in school, makes perfect sense.

"Close your eyes."

Immediately she closed her eyes. I lifted my ass off the couch to awkwardly slide my sweatpants down my thighs. The notion that I was about to show my cock to my daughter made me harder than I had ever been. When it finally was freed from the confines of the sweatpants, it swung like a pendulum and smacked my stomach with a loud TWAK. She mewled in response to the sound burying her face even deeper into my chest. My balls were already tight between my legs as I looked forward to Himawari seeing it.

"You can open them now."

"WOW!" Himawari said as she looked at it, sitting up immediately to get a better look. " Fuuuuck Daddy, I knew it was huge but wow , it looks so good, it ... it's so fucking massive Daddy."

"Just don't tell your mother I showed you."

She nodded but her gaze was fixed on my cock. " You're so amazing, Oh my God. So big." She whispered under her breath.

"Thanks." I blushed. "So are you done?"

"Just give me a sec, I'm having a hard time focusing." She said biting her lips her expression distant.

I took a glance at the stairs. "Okay but just a minute."