Lunch With The Beneils

"He, he, it seems like you are getting along well with Brax."  Mrs. Beneil said while going up to her husband.

"Pah, this stupid face is just tiresome to argue with.  Ignore his silly words."

"What, Father-in-law, that hurts.  You were the one who brought up me marrying your daughter."

Holly tried to hide her laughter while Jenna's cheeks we painted in a rose color as she shyly hid her face.

"Why don't you both stop with the name calling."  Jenna said softly while keeping her head down.

Since it was Jenna's request, Brax wasn't going to keep calling Mr. Beneil father-in-law, and Mr. Beneil wasn't one to purposely upset his daughter.

""Fine.""  They said at the same time.

"Since that is settled why don't we sit down for lunch."  Mrs. Beneil said.  She then lead them to the dining room.

After taking a seat at the table the dishes were quickly served by a maid who wheeled a cart out of the kitchen.  Then Mrs. Beneil turned to Brax.