Interesting Reaction

"Oh, what was that?"  Brax asked while putting his arm around his wife and pulling her further into the guest house.

Jenna pinched his waist.  "You heard me."  She shyly said, avoiding his eyes.

"I missed what you said, I guess we can just watch some television." He teased.

"Fine."  Jenna said with a smirk.  "That was exactly what I suggested."

"Ah, no, no, no, I was wrong, I did hear you."

"Then don't make me repeat it."  She said with a proud expression, tossing away a bit of her embarrassment.

Brax's hands went towards the bottom of her blouse and snaked their way up across her stomach.  Jenna looked away as her previous boldness completely disappeared and she was back to acting shy and meek.

After giving her a kiss on the cheek Brax took away his hands to her surprise.

"How about a drink?"  He asked.

She quickly nodded and followed him out of the room.