Apology T ^ T And an important notice

Hi everyone, I am here to apologize for a mistake I found out quite late. Something went wrong with a chapter update. I'm sorry for just finding out now that half the chapter was missing and the other half was all that was uploaded. I don't know if anyone noticed, but I guess no one did because nothing was said to notify me about that silly mistake. As I said in the other update part, I was rearranging chapters and I didn't mention it but I also got confused. 

The part that was missing is very very important for a better understanding of my favorite character, Xin.

The chapter is before chapter 15 which is titled 'tag along' To make it easier to locate it, it is part six (VI) of chapter 14. I'm so so sorry.

I promise something like that will never happen again. But it is important if you all reread it because it's worth it :') 

You'll get to understand Xin better. 

For old readers (even though no one was reading T ^ T) the book has gone premium, and I'm still trying to understand how privileged chapters work. By tomorrow I'll start updating again, but I heard it's by default so not everyone will see it I guess. You all can support me though...pretty please with a strawberry and sprinkles on top T ^ T

oh yeah, and I've also noticed that I crossed a hundred collections. Thank you all so much! 

It means a lot to me. I try to improve on my writing every time just so everyone would enjoy the book. Thanks again. I love you guys :3