Final Note from author

So we've come to an end of this book. Well this is a temporary end for wihm because In all honesty, I lost motivation to continue, so I ended it this way. This book was supposed to have a final volume and one additional arc for Jin but I don't know, things didn't work out. I'm just glad it's all over now. I don't know if the user 'Nanoree?' (Apologies if I didn't get this right) can see this, but from the bottom of my heart. I want to say thank you so much for your support for the lowest time. It made me really happy with your gifts and votes, for a long time now I've wanted to say thank you and now's the perfect time since the book has come to an end. Wherever you are nanoree, I hope the time you took to read my book pays off and gives you goodluck. Thanks once again xoxo. Goodbye