Bonus chapter

"It's almost Christmas. What should we do to celebrate it?"

"Depends," Wu said brushing his hair "I feel like getting a haircut. I'm not a fan of this length."

"I like it, it really looks good on you."

"You think so?"

"Yeah" Lijuan said with a smile as she raised her hand to play with the strands.

"Well, I'm not listening to you because you barely listen to my opinions about the dresses you wear. It's always…" He cleared his throat to imitate her "As I was saying. It's always Wu, does this dress look good on me? I feel like the design isn't perfect yet, and I'd say, it looks great on you, but you'll eventually toss it away and pick what you want to wear. I always wonder, why you ask me for my take on it when you don't bother wearing it in the end." 

"I haven't really noticed that I do that" Lijuan said. 

"You did that a couple of minutes ago when you asked me about the purse you want to buy."

"Oh, I feel like it's a habit."