Chapter 22 Christmas

Allured by the scent of freshly baked Christmas cake coming from a bakery amidst the bustling streets of the city centre, Xin took his lingering gaze off the enormous Christmas tree adorned with glistening ornaments and glowing fairy lights draped around it. 

Strolling alongside the magnificently structured buildings of the centre, he watched as people swarmed in and out of the bustling coffee shops and bakeries like bees.

As the evening sky faded away, the pink and orange hues were replaced with dark shades of blue, whilst the amber light of the street lamps spilled on the streets.The festively designed stalls, illuminated with blinking Christmas lights, vibrant ornaments and brightly colored signs, were lined up along either side of the street and had varieties of delectable treats, jasmine scented fragrances, skillfully hand-crafted seasonal cards and unlimited choices of gifts to customers.