Part II

Guys, can you borrow me some money? I'll pay back. I swear"

"What do you want this time Hana!" The leader of the group, Mihyo, grunted as she fixed a cold glare at Hana who was shivering in her spot.

"I need drugs."

"You owe everyone of us money, and you're still asking for more?" Mihyo scoffed as she lit a cigarette, "You're becoming a burden Hana."

"No... I—" 

"There's no need to explain yourself. You no longer belong here with us. You're not contributing a dime, and this place isn't for charity. Get out!"

"Mihyo... I'll get a job again. I just need time," Desperation echoed in Hana's voice as she dropped to her knees and clasped her hands, "I have nowhere else to go. Please give me another chance."

The other girls watched in silence, not moved by Hana's pleas. They'd had enough of her.

"I have nowhere else to go, Mihyo."