"Wu!!!" She cried out for an answer, but the wind carried her voice faster than she could speak. "Liliza!!! Jisu!!! Jennifer!!! Rosea!!!"
The avalanche caught her attention, and what worried her was that the people she came with hadn't responded to her call after that. "You guys, please answer me!"
Everything was silent, pristine, clean, until
she heard a fired up engine sound similar to a motorbike reverberating around the mountain.
From the volume, lijuan knew whatever it was was drawing near and she strained her eyes against swirling white to make it out; but she saw nothing until it sounded as if it would run her down. It came into full view in a few seconds, and a bright blue painted chassis the shape of a throat lozenge on enormous black skis came into view.
"Are you okay, ma'am?" One man driving the snowmobile asked.
"Y-yes, but I'm looking for my friends."
"Were you with them when the avalanche happened?"