Part VII

Jennifer hoisted her plaster cast onto a footstool, clicking the remote control to scan through the channels. Every muscle felt tight, sprung for action, but she couldn't even walk. Even her face felt tight, like smiling just wasn't an option that day. 

A broken leg meant no more performances and a long ass break until she recovers. She screamed at herself for the amount of energy she had piled, but she sat down there, unable to use any of it to dance like she normally would.

She wondered how long she'd cope without her screen time. Her company had explained to their fanbase about her absence, and it had a bad turn on the group. She continued to ponder on how long she'd get depressed and if she'd binge eat until she stars in 'my 600lbs life'. 

On her third cycle through the channels, her mom took the remote and switched the television off. "What's wrong? You barely even talk to your father and I"