Chapter 23: The truth about Su Jin

A newly radiant sun steps forth from the spring time, wrapping the city in it's warm and brilliant rays. Between the paving stones comes blooms so bold and tall, giving off their fragrance to the summer-infused breeze. The trees sway in a warming breeze, leaves are dark green and full, opened toward the sunlight.

From out of the bushes tumbled a boy. Almost before his mother could react, the boy was on his feet and locking eyes with her like what had happened was completely normal.

His lips almost move then his eyes dart back to the frayed laces of his runners. His mother grabbed hold of him, and tickled him "You have to be careful Jin" His mother then kissed his cheeks before tying his laces again for the fifth time that afternoon.

"Play the violin for me mama, i want to dance!" the boy spoke softly and opened his arms wide, embracing the wind that tossed his locks of raven hair backwards.