Part II

Ever since Jin's mom left, he barely said a word to his father. Well, and the man hardly uttered a word to him. 

There was no denying that Jin said the most, just greetings. Then he would carry on with his day. His father still provided for him like a parent would, but he never answered any of his questions about the whereabouts of his mom. His father would ignore it, and whenever Jin got persistent, his father didn't hesitate to hit him in his face. 

That's how life was for the two until a year passed, and his dad brought another woman home. 

It didn't occur to Jin that his father had remarried long before she finally stepped foot into their house. In fact, it took him a while to find out. 

His step mom was beautiful with an innocent face, eyes the same color as gold, straight black hair, but his mother was prettier. No one could convince him otherwise. Along with the witch came his half brother.