Part III

Jin woke up half naked. No memories of the night before. His head ached, nausea swirled unrestrained in his empty stomach, and his throat was dry. He pulled on a shirt, and then shorts before stepping out of his room. As if with right timing, he bumped into his father, the least person he expected to be around that day.

"Dad" He said.

"Follow," the man commanded, and Jin did as he said at once. He followed his father to the lounge where Yusheng and Harumi were, and he didn't fail to notice how loud his step mom was wailing. As for his brother, he stared at him with narrowed eyes, his face red from the fury seething in him. The pressure of this raging sea of anger was enough to make the atmosphere tense and put the room in stony silence. No one but Jin knew what was going on.

He watched his father pull out pictures from an envelope on the living room table, and he threw the photographs towards face.