Part II

"I don't know how it got here? I'm not allowed to go near Lijuan's office! Why am I the prime suspect? There are so many other janitors!" Jin said in a desperate attempt to defend himself.

"But they all said you were nowhere to be seen at some point," Sabrina countered just in time for Hong to make his grand entrance, as if he didn't have a better knowledge of what was going on.

"I heard so much noise on my way to Lijuan's office. What's going on here?" 

Sabrina didn't want to hesitate to give him a breakdown of all that was going on. 

"This man here is a thief. He decided to pass his boundaries again despite the warning I gave him and the new rules I set in place."

Jin wanted to defend himself, but he withdrew and just stayed quiet, as he wondered if there was anything to point in refuting all their allegations. Would they even believe him? Won't they accuse him of lying again? Nothing seemed worth it, but he still wanted to give it one more go.