Chapter 36: Runaway

Now where could that rat have gone to?" Hong pondered as he poured himself a glass of wine. "I have better things to do than to play hide and seek with that wedlock. For example, I'm supposed to have put an end to Mr Qin's life by now. He needs to be put to rest, the sooner the better."

He picked up his phone and called his mother.

"Hello, Hong" The woman answered.

"Greetings mother, I'm calling concerning Mr Qin. I have a plan that will leave Lijuan's family's enterprise in shambles and will force her to do as I say."

"Tell me."

"Well, it's about killing her father."

"Dont I already know that? Didn't you say you'll handle it?"

"Definitely, but I need you to play a role in it."

"Fill me in on the info."

"I'm currently at my office and I'm certain you're with Mrs Qin, right?"

"Yes. She's currently using the restroom."

"Perfect, and her daughter isn't anywhere close right?"

"That is correct."