Part II

Nuan could hear the loud sounds of music from rides of all sorts, and the screaming of people having a good time. She couldn't wait to get out of the car, and go there for the first time in her life. Other kids at her previous school always talked about it, now she could finally experience it herself.

Memories of the park resided in Jin's mind. It was the same park they had their date. He could never forget. That day was special to him, and their relationship, but all that it is now is his memories and his past. 

Yuqi helped Nuan out of the car. Jin recommended that they go ahead of him because finding a good parking space was taking longer than usual. They understood and moved to the gates to pay for entry tickets.

"Woah!!!" Nuan exclaimed, pacing forward into the park "This place is beautiful."

There was a sense of joy in the theme park baked with sunlight, The laughter of children brought the colours to an ever more heartwarming hue.