Do As The Other Worlds Do

We were about to leave, but I was worried about the women being left alone here like this. Luckily, I was saved by the group of approaching women. Alex was leading with the Twin Spider-Kin I had first turned awhile back, and behind them was Kyra, Kadnce, Nina, Mishka, but Kalita and Arrentia must have stayed behind.

"Hey, let's just wait. It seems my wives have decided to make their way here, well most of them."

I didn't bother looking at Addel, but I could feel those cold eyes on me, trying to bore into my soul. I wave to the women, and they all made their way over, but slow when they saw the scene behind me. Alex was the first to react, heading over to deal with the women and the other came over to me.

"What happened here?" Kadence asked while still looking around at the women Alex was rounding up.

"Our master cured us!" Many of the women cried out, while the other was too busy getting chased.

Oh, shit. That part, fuck, well, Alex was going to have to get these women to start acting more like normal women. Not that any of this was their fault, but I was trying to make life better for everyone, not just myself.

"Ladies, I need you all to listen up!" I called out, and the place went silent. "I need you all to try your best to learn from Miss Alexcoria about proper lady shit, OK? I want you all to fit in like normal people, just like everyone that follows me, understand?"

The women and started to move closer and put down their skirts. Their eyes all lit up near the end, and most of them began to cry, thinking that was just going to be another form of slavery with a different master. I wanted them to see that we did not plan that, and we would try and help them be just like everyone else with me.

This world was so hard on the minds of people, It might is right to force an entire village to turn a blind eye to their sex slave rings, and I'm sure there would be more to visit, so I couldn't just stay in one spot for long.

"We have to get moving. There must be more. Kyra, can you ask the animals if they know of any other places like this?"

"Yeah, ill go ask. I'll be right back!"

Kyra ran over to the tree and started to call out to the birds.

"You think there are more of these places here?" Addel asked.

"At least three to four more, but I can't be sure, maybe more," I said distractedly as I watch Kyra.

Kadence and Nina came over to me and stood beside me. They kept their distance. I guess they could sense I wasn't really enjoying my time here and just wanted to be near. I was glad, this was a gloomy job, and I had a feeling this next part was going to be worse. There were no dead people I couldn't save here, but whatever Kyra found could lead to worse.

'Think of the good you're doing. It's hard, I know, but your helping. Things could have stayed the same. Even though these women and the Deerfolk girl all did embarrassing things, you have to understand the things they were forced to do. There is nothing but well water and no hospital or doctor's office to help these women get pregnant. Your helping, keep it up!' -Gripton.

'Fucking stupid world.'

Kyra came running back to me and gave us the locations, and Buddy got together search parties. The women gathered in the town center and set up a station for me to heal the ones found. I also had Trem and the others start to talk to the people around town, asking if they wanted to stay or go and if they wanted my "blessing," a name that seemed to work for the people.

Many asked if they could have the power and stay in their village, and my criers told them all that they could go where they like, but if they saw something wrong, it was their job to make it right or find a group of people loyal to me to help. The end result was that only five people joined us, but they all wanted the blessing, which was exactly what I wanted.

While everyone started to line up, I leaned into Alex, who was beside me, and whispered, "nice turnout, hey? They should stay; now this is a place we can send people that don't want to fight until we take the capital here."

"True, also there were no dead slaves, but we only found about fifteen different males in about five different places. So that makes twenty women and men with the ones from the village. Not great, but a steady gain. I think that we will have to slow down soon and get a better picture of our firepower and defensive strengths, but I think Mesh wanted to do a walk around with you."

"So many things to do right now, well there is no rest for people like us if we plan on leading these people out of the shitty life, right? It is good to have you all here with me, that's for sure. Oh, shit, hey, did you talk to Addel?"



"This one is a no brainer."

"Frick, I knew you were going to say this."

"Then why didn't you just say yes?"

"I don't know. Can we talk about this later when there aren't so many people around?"

Alex kissed my cheek before smiling at me and turning away, off to go deal with the new harem, maybe try and make proper ladies out of them or something. I looked up at the line of people, but Tescelle and Nuwari hadn't made it here yet with paper to take notes on the powers and such, even if they stayed, if they could make certain items, we could trade them in the future, so having a record was important.

I decided to get up and went back to the tent behind the one where the male slaves had been transferred. When I walked in, the smell of urine hit my nose with a vengeance causing me to harden my expression. The men inside moved back some or cringed at the sight of me, but I ignored them and walked in, touching each one. Flashes were weak, but that was because they were scared.

After finishing, the men all stood up and gave me a bow at different times. They all looked better, and I could relax now that the smell of piss was only faint. I left them and head back to the main tent where Nurwari and Tecselle were waiting.

"Sorry, I figured I would go help the slaves first, and you guys would be back by then."

The women both just smiled, and we were brought food by a man named Nevin, who could now create fresh bread with only the grain in a matter of minutes. The fresh bread was served to us with some butter, and we working into the evening. When we finally finished, The town through a feast for our redemption of the scared and run-down place it was before.

I was about to join the rabble from my seat at the boot when I felt a hand on my should and looked up. Addel was standing with a smile like she had won some battle. I sighed and stood up, turning around to face her.

"It's good to see you. I'm guessing you have talked to Alex and the rest of my wives?"

"Yeah, this isn't what I would call proper from where I came from, but when in another world, we do as the other worlds do."