I Don't Dance

I stood looking at Addel for a moment, trying to figure out how to do this. She wasn't from this world, but I had no idea when she was from.

"So, before we get into all of this, can I ask you a couple things? Let start heading to the feast."

I offered her my arm, trying to be a gentleman of something of that nature. Addel was briefly surprised for a moment, but she to my offered arm and started to walk with me. The feast wasn't that far from us, so it was only a short walk for us.

"Listen, I know you're not from here, but where are you from? And when?"

"California, and it was 2018."

Wah? The shit, so she came here only two years ago? Well, she kicked the bucket before all that virus shit happened, but she wasn't that far off from me, I mean, Calgary was a prominent place, but a significant distance was between us. This was a big help, though, kinda, or maybe it was a curse in disguise.

"Cali, eh? Well, I was from the Great White North, the place you would call Canada, but honestly, none of that shit matters. I was a nobody there, and all my family was gone, so this is what I am doing now."

"Canadian? Well, that explains somethings about you. I honestly thought you would be Chinese or Japanese, but that is me reading too many books and manga about this kind of thing."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. But, hey, it could be worse right? So, now back to this how marriage thing, what do you know about it in this world?"

"Hmmm? Well, from what I have seen, there are no engagements or weddings. It's almost like a handshake is good, and then the people are married. There also doesn't seem to be a set limit on wives either."

I could feel her eyes burning into me, but I didn't look at Addel. Instead, I just kept walking.

"Yeah, there is that part, but this is a necessary evil. I know where we come from. It's frowned upon but, we need to look at this another way. This isn't earth, at all. The days are longer, there is magic, and there are no rules. I plan on trying to take over the entire world to make some order, but I can't kill everyone, so I will make ties with them instead."

"So you can control who is in power? "

"Yeah, anyone that fucks around will get my iron boot!"

"So, how does this work then?"

"I have been trying to figure that out."

We were at the feast table, so I let go of her arm, pulled a seat out for Addel, and then sat down in a chair between her and Alex, who was already seated. I looked at Alex, but she had her eyes closed, so I put my hand to the back of her neck and started to massage as I continued talking with Addel.

"I know that you come from a place that likes the fancy wedding, so what if we do an engagement thing and then later after I crush the capital, we will have a proper wedding for you and all the girls? I don't wanna single anyone out, but I don't want this to just be some handshake. I have no idea how I will Keep up with you all, but I will do my best."

"That works for me, I accept."


"Dear, why do you always act so surprised? Your quite handsome, you know!" Alex said with eyes still closed as I continued to massage her neck.

"Well, I'm trying to get used to it, but it isn't easy," I said, but Addel put a hand on my arm and leaned in to kiss me.

We shared a short but passionate kiss that sent warmth coursing through my body and as her soft lips pressed into mine. When Addel pulled away, I was almost short of breath, and she had a warmth in her eyes.

"Don't get used to it. I think it's better this way. I like the you from our world that worries about others and peoples feeling."

"Hmm? I guess, where are the rest of my wives anyway? Normally they would be crowded around us; what are they doing?"

"Oh, just wait till you see what the girls have been up to! Kara is being worked to the bones right now, but luckily some of the new girls have magic talent in the clothing department, so we might even get you some fancy clothes made!"

What the hell was she talking about? I looked down at the clothes that Kara had made for me, and I was perfectly fine with them. What were the wives up to, and what did it have to do with the other women? This sounded like a conspiracy of the highest level, but I figured I would just let it play out.

There was a large open area with other tables surrounding it in front of my table, so I assumed it would be used for dancing or something stupid like that. I wasn't big on dancing because I didn't know how, and a crippling fear of looking like an idiot kept me from trying when I was in school.

As I pondered about the center area, women and bright colors started moving onto the dance floor. I recognized some of them and soon realized that these were all the women I had just rescued. They all formed two rows of ten and then did a curtsy to me.

"Thank you, Great Master Hyde, for healing us!" All the girls said with gratitude.

I stood up and gave a short bow and told them it was nothing and to find places to sit. In a much louder voice, I explained mostly to the village men that these women were not to be touch without their express permission and that the women would need to talk to one of my wives before going off anywhere. I felt terrible to do this, but according to Alex, there were already four of the twenty women in different pregnancy stages.

As I sat down, I pondered the thought of pregnant women. Would touching them while the women were pregnant affect the babies? And if it did, what would be the outcome? All questions that couldn't be answered until one of the women had given birth. I put the thought aside and started to look for my wives again, and noticed that Kadence and Kalita were coming over to sit down.

"Where are the other three?" I asked as Kadence sat down.

"They stayed to help with all the village children; they said to save a dance for them later."

"Dance? Um, I don't dance…"

"Wah? You don't know how to dance?"

"Don't say it like that Kade, I already feel silly enough, and I have been growing more worried by the minute! I don't wanna go and make a fool in front of everyone!"

Fuck, now I have made my weakness know, and they are gonna have a good laugh at me, but the laughter never came. Instead, I looked up into Kadence's warm red eyes; she wasn't going to laugh at me. In fact, she looked like she understood.

"I know what it's like, to be scared to do something because you scared to fail. My fire has always been a joke, and I have never wanted to use it until I met you. Now, every day you push me to be better, so I will teach you to dance, as will the rest of us! Don't be scared of messing up; there will be too many people there to notice you anyway!"

'You need to learn this.' -Gripton.

'Why? Why do I need to learn to dance? I am conquering the world, not the dance floor!'

'You will need to use more than strength in some situations. It is better to learn now and get any mistakes out of the way. Besides, your body has changed, your not the same Hyde with two left feet!' -Gripton.

'What do you mean? Just because I'm stronger now, I'm gonna be a better dancer? I've never danced in my life.'

//You will see enjoy the meal and all the good you have done today. Then when it's time, let all the stress out by dancing with the beautiful women you have saved!\\

Maybe he was right, but I nodded to Kadence, and she squeezed my arm and went back to her seat. I was still nervous, but if this was just another stepping stone in the path to greatness, then I would place my foot firmly on it. I noticed Addel was looking at me with a small smile, but then she looked away.

Soon the meal was served, and I ate and talked with the four women for the meal's duration. Soon it was over, and the table was starting to get cleared, all the used dishes cleaned up. After that was finished, a group of people gathered at the far end of my table.

The people were villagers I had touched, and they all had basic instruments. They all got into place and then bowed to me and brought their devices to the ready positions. They all looked at me, expectantly, and I stood. Looking around, I could see all the expectant people waiting for me to give the go-ahead.

"Let's hear some music and do some dancing!"