Wendy Pt 1

I watched as most of the group let to go help with getting breakfast set up. My thoughts still left me with a weird feeling; not much got to me, but having my friends scared of me was starting to have an effect. I turned and waved to Alex, who looked at me with a puzzled look.

I turned and ran to the edge of the patio, vaulting into the air. The sounds of yelling faded as I shot into the air, but I didn't slow down. I needed to get some air and clear my head, so I turned to the mountain range we had found Marly at.

Within an hour, I was hovering over the top of the mountain, and I could see her cave below. I let the fire go and plummets to the ground, but thread poured off me and created a tent-like structure to slow me down. I let the thread disperse and fell the remaining ten feet to the ground. 

The place hadn't changed in the couple of days since I had been here last. I walked to the shadow curtain and then pushed through to the other side but stopped.