Wendy Pt 2

"Yeah, but I'm not a dragon. Yes, I can change into one, but I don't want my friends and family to be scared of me. Also, to answer your question, n, I'm not scared of myself or the power. My magic isn't something that will just run wild or something I could lose control of, but what does scare me is my friends not trusting me to protect them. The feeling that they aren't sure who will destroy them, foe or me."

I left out a sigh. Honestly, I was probably the biggest dragon in the world at this point, so how do I convince the people closest to me? 

"Maybe they just need time to get used to you; dragons are the most feared creature's on the planet; you must understand why they are acting this way. I am surprised they still come close to you. Just give it time, also, I will be there, but I don't get it, with mother there, shouldn't they be more accepting of you?"