Acosta Them Everything

After Snake face said that I decided that we would stick together, that was for sure a jinx trip if I ever heard one. Tescelle didn't complain, but Greshaha was a bit sour over the matter. I ignored him as we walked down the main road and into the city. 

The first thing I noticed was the heady smell of horse shit, hoo wee, somebody needed to open the barn door around here, this place was ripe. Even my girls were trying to keep their screwed up faces hidden behind their hands. I created a loose planetary field that kept our air fresh and the girls relaxed, dropping their hands.

"The smell, how do these people live like this? I could taste the shit in the air!" Greshaha complained.

"Not that well it seems, I can't believe that the city allows for this. This King must be a real piece of work. I can't wait to meet him."