The Flavor Of Slavery

The kid took my hand, but I didn't release magic into him, I didn't want these kids to become over brave and do something they wouldn't normally do. 

"I'm Tag and this is Reese, Rita, Leah, and Maxi."

Tag let go of my and pointed to each kid as he spoke. The first was a human boy with brown hair and a tough guy look, then just behind him were the three girls, all of them looked younger than the boys who looked only a year or two less than me. 

The first girl to step forward was the human girl with auburn hair similar toTitania's. She was Maxi and gave a small bow with a smile in her little brown dress. The last two girls, Leah, and Maxi, didn't want to come closer, so my wives, came forward and talked to the girls. 

I turned to Clem and Greshaha while the women talked with all the kids, who had gathered around Arrentia and asked her what she was doing with me.