The Taste Of Defeat

I pulled myself up and off the ground, and started to run back through the forest I had been tossed over. I ran with hands in front of me like a snow melter with rocket boosters.

"Dodge Left!" Eva called out over the speakers.

I rolled and jumped back up and burst through the trees. That bastard had thrown a boulder half the size of me, but I was back at home now, and I turned up the speed. I cut a path through the snowstorm and high-tailed it out of there.

I didn't even bother to look back, no point. I was out of boulder range and I didn't plan on slowing down. I wasn't running in fear for myself, I was just worried about my wife, and I guess the orphans too.

"Everyone okay?" I called out, but no one answers.

"They are all in the house and they can't hear you, but Kyra is on her way up," Eva called over the intercom.