That Part Threw Me Off

"I hope that wasn't a joke," Eva said, taking her form and floating up beside my presence.

"No, well, ya, but, ya. So, speed, according to the download thinger. I can go really fast, but I drain power, not fast, but it does drain it out, and then...really? I have to be idle and meditate like this to gain it back? What kind of cockamamie bullshit is this? I have never had a limit or a constraint to the amount of power I could use other than the Gates themselves," I said, feeling a bit miffed.

"Hyde, your brother designed the power this way for a reason, right? Or was he the type to just do things without putting any thought into them?" Eva asked me.

Well, she did have a point there. While not always that bright at picking up social cues or with hanging out with people at all. Dave was meticulous with his game design and world-building skills.