Eggs Benedict

I just needed to get it over with. I wasn't scared, not there was a difference in what I felt here than fear.

Fear is where something scares you. This was just not wanting to get turned into metal filings when I hit a mountain or the impenetrable invisible wall. Slow deep breaths and aim for the tree.

I filled my body with power and reinforced my structure so that I wouldn't completely fuck myself, or get ran through by a tree. I wanted Eva to be able to fix me after, and that wouldn't happen if I died before the fixing could happen.

There was a chance that I could get the brake right the first time. it was more than guaranteed to take me three to four attempts to stop or change directions.

The problem was that I didn't have something yet to slow down my perception, and I would be sliding. So, I had to do some trial runs to speed up my perception because everything would be happening in milliseconds.

"You should be Fine," Eva said over the intercom.