Heat Of The Story

"What do you mean I created it? I think I would remember that, wouldn't I?" I said out loud as I walked out the front of my house and onto the grass.

I turned left and headed around the house to my backyard. There was a deck and a bit more grass, but after that, it was all rust dirt. I looked out and to the three sheds we had, but they were all closed so I started over to the closest one.

'You created this place with your mind, the place that I stay is in your father's library. According to your memory, it was a place you rarely went to, so it was strange that that would be the main place in your mind. It wasn't until after You came here that thing place came into being.' -Eva.

I was at the first shed and it was re, and only four meters tall, and ten by ten. It was just a shop that my dad kept all his miscellaneous tools and crap.