Ever Growing List

I wanted to hear Haruna's story, but I needed to check everyone on the ship. I noticed immediately who was missing, and it gave me chills to think what that meant. 

I had taken one of the black spikes out of Kyla's feet and the old man, Gerald was missing. That could only mean that he was the one that had planted them in everyone.

  That was a worrisome thought, and that made me start to panic, I started to look over the group, but I found Trinity's sandy orc form.

That was a relief, I was going to assume that Talon would have tried to force Trinity into one of the sentient suits Dave had shown me. This was all going to hell in a handbasket, but I would just have to roll with the punches, as Dave would say.

Everyone was told to sit down, and I dialed up once everyone was settled, letting Eva take over. While Eva removed a small black spike from almost every person on the ship, I thought about what my next move would be.