All The Things I Had To Do

"So, then Haruna tell me about what happened to you to get sent out to that island. This must have something to do with the Game Master, or it was just by chance that I ended up on the one island that she was on," I said.

Mostly everyone had finished eating and now there were only a few of us at the table. Titania, Xelios, Jenna, Violet, and Haruna, the rest didn't need to hear this, but I wanted to get the opinions of the women at the table about what we were going to hear.

"I was born as a princess of the Firesti Empire, and for the most part, I lived a peaceful life. Firesti is the only place in Bjrothorne that had disallowed slavery, and that is the reason why they have always bought the slaves," Haruna explained.

"Really? I really had thought that the place was using them, but I guess that's what they wanted to believe," Titania said, putting a finger to her chin thoughtfully.