Here for a Reason

The light discussion we were having over dinner is ruined immediately when Sam asks the question I was dreading most. "Oh hey, speaking of which, what's the sleeping arrangement gonna be like?"

I almost choke on the last drop of my Olden Days. "Unless you're willing to wait half a day for me to clean one of the guest rooms on the second floor, the adventurer dorms in the west wing are in shambles, and the only other room available is..."

"Your room?" She tilts her head as she hits the hammer right on the mark.

"...My room," I admit with a heavy heart.

"Oh? You don't say." Sam looks at me dead-on, grinning like a predator about to have its way with its prey. The girl with the smarmy face leans over the table, tilting her head like a confused but determined puppy. "It's not just an age thing, is it?" She asks out of the blue.

"I'm... not sure what you mean by that?"

"Your reactions, silly. I mean, I thought you were just uncomfortable since I'm a lot younger than you, but... nah, man. There's something else, isn't there?" She raises an eyebrow, and for whatever reason, the teasing tone in her voice is gone. Instead, it's replaced by a strange optimism. "Oh! I know. Are you a virgin?" She asks, hopefulness stinging her voice.

Sam's more perceptive than I gave her credit for... I cover the truth poorly with a cough and avert my eyes, "Nonsense, I'm an adult. I obviously have many sordid affairs under my belt... furthermore, I-"

"Pft, Gods, that a yes if I've ever fuckin' head one. Chill out, Boss! Not like being a virgin is that big of a deal or anything." Sam winks as if implying she is just as inexperienced.

For whatever reason, I find that hard to believe.

I take a solid look at the Princess, who is wearing almost nothing but a bikini, and then remember the many stories I've heard over the years of our 'beloved' King, her father. If she's anything like the lecherous Theostus Lundreame, then... that would explain a lot. She must take after him, and-

"Excuse me, the fuck's that look you're giving me?!" She asks, narrowing her emerald eyes and blushing. "It's almost like you don't think I'm a virgin!" An awkward silence fills the blanks between us.

"Well... In my defense, you're dressed like a harlot and have done nothing but flirt with me from the moment you burst through the doors," I say out loud, causing her to get even angrier. Then again, is it rude of me to just assume she was loose because she's dressed like a stripper?

Maybe I'm the asshole.

"I SAID IT'S CAUSE YOU WERE CUTE! GODS!" Sam yells. "Can't a girl flirt with a dude she just met without it being fucking weird?"

"Not when I'm fourteen years older than you,"

"I said it before and I'll say it again. I. Know. My. Type!"

The runaway Princess and I stare at each other. Soon, we both break out into unexplainable laughter at the absurdity of it all.

We catch our breaths, staring into each other's eyes for another short moment. Sam stands up from her spot on the opposite side of the bench. The young, flirty warrior walks over my side and sits down. Scooting close by and propping her elbows on the creaky wood, she says, "Do you mind if I ask you a question, Boss?"

Rather than scooting away from her and putting distance between us, I welcome the closeness. Perhaps my drink gave me some courage. "By all means," Taking a deep breath, I ready myself for another potential flirty jab.

"How did this Guild get so shitty?" I was expecting something lewd again, and honestly, I would've preferred if her question was lewd. This is a sore topic, and It hurts to hear someone else point out the state of the Guild so bluntly.

"...About five years ago, I stopped trying. Cleaning and maintaining the building was hard to do by myself, so eventually, I just sort of... stopped."

Sam raises an eyebrow and turns to face me. "Five years ago?"

"I'm sure you know some of the story. The Demon Lord attacked Bridgebury, and your... well, the King was put under a lot of pressure to do something about it. With the Association's help, he constructed a new Adventurer's Guild in Perlshaw. For a lot of different reasons I won't get into, that was the last nail in my coffin. I have no one else but myself to blame. If I had done a better job running this place, then-"

A fire lights behind her emerald eyes, and she bangs her fist on the table with righteous fury. "That's not fucking true! Boss, you've been so kind and helpful, and you're a good fucking cook! Shit dude, you're like... the epitome of what being a Guild Master is all about!"

It takes me a second to respond. The conviction in her voice stirs me, and for a moment, I almost believe I could be the kind of man she thinks I am. "Just because I look the part and act the part doesn't mean I'm good at the part..."

Sam starts to look even madder the more self-deprecative I get. "Whatever. All I know is there's something special about you, Boss. I can't put my finger on it, but... It ain't just a pair of magic eyes, that's for sure. I'm starting to think I ended up here for a reason."

"I should only be so lucky. What, did Lux Ultima herself send you to pull me out of my mid-life crisis?" Skepticism raises my eyebrow.

"I dunno about the Goddess, but I definitely wanna kick your ass into gear and get you to stop acting like such a sad-sack!" Sam puts her fist in the air and pumps it with determination, "You got that?"

I cradle my head in my hand, looking away from the young girl fighting so hard to cheer up a washed-up bastard like myself. It's embarrassing, and I don't know how to respond to such kindness. I can't remember the last time someone has tried so hard to help me in any way, shape, or form... "I regret to inform you that it's a bit late for that, but... thank you, Sam. Really."

Sam crosses her arms and looks away from me, huffing and pouting. "I ain't giving up on you, Boss. Mark my words... a girl has certain weapons only she can use."

"...Sure. In the meantime, my own quarters are open to you as long as you wish, at least until I manage to get one of the guest rooms up to code."

Just as quick as her seriousness came, it leaves and is overtaken by yet another devilish grin. "Did you straight up just invite me to your bedroom, Daddy?" She asks in that dirty and bratty tone of hers that I'm still struggling to get used to.

"Yes, I did. I'll be sleeping on the sofa in my office, though. Tomorrow I'll get started on the cleaning, and- AGH, FUCK!" A swift, intense throbbing sensation erupts with violence in my leg. Unlike earlier in the day, this isn't an excited throb. No, my shin just really fucking hurts. Sam kicked me with little restraint, causing me to wince and almost fall from the bench.

The blonde gasps with mock shock, "Oh NO! Looks like you went and hurt yourself, Boss! You're gonna need help with that. There's no way I can let you sleep alone... someone has to watch over you!"

"Did... did you really just fucking...?!"

The coy Princess grins. "C'mon, you. There's no way I'm letting you sleep on the couch in your own home." Standing up from the table, Sam bends over in front of me, attempting to hoist me over her shoulder like it's no big deal.

I push my arms out to stop her before she can emasculate me.

"Wait, wait, wait! I'm not even ready for bed yet, damn it! These dishes need to be done, and I've got paperwork to fill out regarding your quest, as well as registering you as a part of my Guild." I all but beg the Princess not to pick me up with her absurd strength. Sighing with disappointment, she backs off for the moment and crosses her arms.

"Fiiiine, do your job stuff, I guess... It's not like you'll be able to run away from me with a leg like that, heh." She giggles to herself, a sparkling glint of mischief in her bright green eye. "Where's our room, Daddy?"

"MY room is up the stairs over there, first door on the right. Make yourself at home."

The young Princess sways her hips side to side as she saunters over towards the rickety stairs. Looking back to flash me a grin with her sharp, pronounced fang, Sam says, "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. Don't take too long now, m'kay?"

As I watch her barely-covered bottom turn and ascend toward my bedroom, I understand and truly fathom that once I join her my life will change forever. I can't pretend I know what will happen, but I do know that it's unavoidable that something will. I'm only human, and a man, at that...