Hiding Under the Covers

It's been over an hour since I managed to get Sam to retire to the bedroom, and I've been hobbling about on this damn shin of mine ever since. When that fearsome Princess kicked me, she really meant it... does that damned brat really want to share my bed with me so badly?

None of this makes any logical sense, although I suppose I figured that out when my cock doubled in size, and my load was shot out with the force of a geyser. Gods, what a day this day has been.

Out of apprehension, I stretch out doing the dishes and my paperwork for as long as possible. The menial distraction of filling out the proper reimbursement forms helps a modest amount as far as getting my thoughts off of Sam, but as soon as I'm done, my mind drifts straight back to the young woman and her numerous flirty advances.

Just what is she possibly after? Is the most straightforward answer really the correct one, and she just happens to think I'm cute? I'm not used to being told I'm attractive, so it's hard to imagine it being true. I'm not particularly ugly, just... scary looking. Fuck if I know what women find hot, though.

After finishing the bureaucratic work on my plate, I drift on my throbbing leg over to the cleaning closet to quickly take inventory. It's just one more thing I can do to stall out my time, after all. Not only that, but Sam's efforts to rouse me to work on myself have got me thinking about getting some work done on the Guild itself.

It's a daunting task, and frankly, I don't want to fucking do it. While it's not the veritable fortress that is the Perlshaw Adventurer's Guild, the Dewhurst Guild is a very large building with three separate wings, a large basement, and a second floor on each wing. That's not even mentioning the training area in the back yard, the bathhouse, and the sheds, either. My neglect has led to my own chambers and my office being the solely well-maintained rooms.

My first order of business is to get Sam running quests on at least minimum capacity so that I can save up funds to hire actual cleaning staff, live-in maids being my preference, but that won't happen for a long time...

Eventually, there comes the point where I run out of things I can do to delay the inevitable. I get a distinct feeling that Sam will run out of patience, march down the stairs, kick my other shin to bits, and carry me off herself if I hesitate any longer. While I can certainly think of worse fates, for now, I resolve myself as best I can and walk to the stairway.

I look up at the creaky wooden pathway leading to the second floor, full bedrooms for both the Guild's nonexistent staff and important guests. Taking a step forward, and then another, I drudge myself up like a man walking to the gallows.

After the most anxious stairway ascension I've ever had, I knock on the wooden door leading to my bedroom. "Are you good in there, Sam? Can I come in?"

"Yeah, hold on, Daddy, I'm almost done touching myself." The girl replies with a teasing, sarcastic tone coming from the other side of the door.

"...Right. Well, let me know when you're done." I roll my eyes and cross my arms, trying my best to avoid picturing the very same image she just skillfully implanted upon my impressionable imagination.

"I'm just fucking with you, Boss. Come on in! It's your room, after all."

With a heavy sigh and a heavier heart, I enter what used to be my personal sanctuary while recognizing this is a sanctuary no longer. It's a damn battlefield.

"Took ya long enough. Was the paperwork really that bad, or were you just stalling your time out so you could avoid me?" Sam is snuggled up under my blankets, the only visible part of her body is her head poking out from the top. The Princess's long, blonde hair has been let down entirely sometime during the past hour. Given how rough and rowdy her locks were beforehand, she now looks like some sort of sensual goddess of bed-heads.

It's a look that works astonishingly well on her.

"A bit of both, although the paperwork really needed to be done." As I approach my humble bed, the surreal feeling of seeing a woman lying upon it for the first time in my life overtakes me. I stare perhaps a little too over-long and raise an eyebrow. "I suppose it's not even worth doing the whole, 'well, I can sleep on the floor, and you can sleep on my bed' schtick, is it?"

She snorts right away at that suggestion. "Not if you want your other shin to stay nice and safe, Daddy. You gonna get comfortable or what? I already changed."

"Patience, you brat," I shake my head and head over to my dresser, intent on picking out a pair of pajamas for myself.

"Oooh, I like it when you call me that!" Sam replies with more friendly sarcasm and more than a bit of naughtiness in her voice. To quell her, I throw a spare shirt from out of the dresser directly at her face. Sam continues laughing as it hits her, but it falls off as soon as she rolls her head.

"Of course you do," I shake my head yet again, stepping into my personal restroom to quickly change out of my prim and proper attire and into my sleepwear- a plain white shirt and boxers. Typically, I don't even go to bed this early, and I'd spend a few hours reading, but... it's been a weird day. Might as well make it a weird night, too.

"All ready?" Sam asks, right as I poke out of the bathroom. Someone sure is eager to have me lay beside her, though I guess that's no surprise.

"Yes, yes. Scoot over. That's my side." With my hand, I motion her to the opposite side of the bed. Sam giggles a bit, retreating under the sheets and burrowing her way to the proper side I indicated. Her head pops out as if she were a sexy little mole, which gets a small but genuine laugh out of me.

At long last, I turn off the arcane tech lamp by the side of the bed, darkening the room through the lack of its dim light. With great reluctance, I slip under the covers while Sam watches me with devious curiosity.

"You gonna sleep with these things on?" Amid the darkness, I feel Sam's finger pressing against the rim of my magical glasses.

"No, I was about to switch them off for my sleeping mask, actually." I reach over to the nightstand on my side of the bed and open the drawer, but Sam continues speaking, and it distracts me from taking it out.

"Why? You could look at me just fine earlier when you weren't wearing 'em. Should be fine as long as you don't take your eyes off me."

My heart stops, and it feels as if the Princess here just sucked all the air out of the room, leaving nothing but an anxious, disquieting void. "You mean you noticed?" I say, rather dumbly. Of course, she noticed. I just uttered something to fill the awkward silence.

"Well, duh," Sam scoffs at my admittedly dumb comment. "It was kinda hard not, what to with the way you were gaping at me. That look on your face was... like... hmm. I ain't exactly 'well-spoken', ya know? If I had to try and phrase it, it's like you were a blind man, but you weren't always blind, then suddenly you weren't blind anymore... and I was the first thing you saw after getting your sight back. Is that kinda close, or does it not make sense? Like I said, I'm not good at this."

"No, that's... a fairly apt metaphor. That's more or less what I felt, I suppose."

The bed shifts under Sam's weight as she moves across it. Her voice gets closer, and the warmth of her breath begins to blow against me as she speaks. "And did you like what you saw?"

She's trying to escalate things, and I need to try and put a stop to it even if I'm unable to succeed. I don't know what's going to happen, and a cold sweat begins to form on my brow.

"...Sam, look. I'm not comfortable with this. There are too many things at play here that make this wrong on so many levels. I just met you, and the two of us need to work together professionally from now on... not to mention you've only just become an adult, and on top of that, you're obviously a pr-"

Her face becomes panicked, causing me to sigh. I don't know why I indulge her, but it's just easier to pretend I don't know her true identity.

"...etty lady. It's just too fucking much, alright? Contrary to your thoughts, I don't believe that you're here for some clandestine reason. Please, just... stop." I tried my best to lay it all out for her, but when I motion to begin turning over away from her, Sam's hand reaches out to my shoulder and pins me down. Her grip is powerful, and I can't do a thing about it.

The runaway Princess removes my glasses straight off my face, then finally emerges from under the covers. She delicately places them on the bedside table before hiking her leg over my hip and straddling me. Sam looks down straight into my eyes with a severe and determined face. No teasing, no 'daddy', and indeed no bullshit.

The room may be dark, but through the curtains drifts in a precarious amount of sensual, springtime moonlight. The ambient blue glow shines upon Sam, revealing a simple truth that I had suspected but dared not verify myself. She's been naked this entire time- and now she's not only naked but mounted atop me and pressing down.