Breakfast In Bed, If Breakfast Were Handjobs

Sam lights up even brighter before- flashing her trademark fanged smile and giving my arm a love tap with her free fist. Thankfully over the last few days of... experimentation, she's learned to better regulate how hard she hits me. "Ya know, if you could take those glasses off whenever you wanted you would have gotten laid ages ago."

Taken slightly aback, I scratch my beard and tilt my head at her. "Excuse me?"

She giggles, "Oh nothing, it's just that you're such a smooth talker and all, and when paired with those pretty peepers of yours..." She blushes and licks her lips. "I'm pretty sure most gals out there would be convinced to do just about anything if you were asking 'em."

Her words bring color to my cheeks, I'm still not used to this. Deciding to tease back even harder I cover my warm inner feelings with a playful jab aimed straight back. "Princesses included?"

Instantly Sam stumbles into panic mode and covers her generous titties behind the blanket. She sweats and looks side to side, "Princess?! HAH I-I wouldn't know anything about that, Boss!! Maybe if you meet one you could try it out hahaha?!"

It's so strange to me that as soon as I use the word Princess in a sexual manner, Sam melts like warm butter in my hands. But then if I imply she I know she actually IS one, she does... well, this.

I love her.

"Moving on," I say between hearty chuckles, "We're going to need more adventurers. Not a lot, the Guild's in shambles and I've decided I'm not going to be cleaning it until we can afford to hire some housekeeping staff." I look away, ashamed at myself for letting it fall into such disarray.

"Can't even blame ya there, Boss..." Sam awkwardly laughs and my eyes pick up from her body language that she's looking down on me. I deserve it, of course, it's my fault this place is in such a sorry state. I should own up to it, but I was recently taught the value of doing what I want. One would assume that the opposite is true too, right? Do what you want, don't do what you don't want to do?

I'm trying my best to rationalize it over here but the point is very simple, I'm not fucking touching this absolute sty.

"Indeed. I could maybe clear out a room or two and we can lodge just a few more adventurers besides you, which should be enough for us to start bringing in a small income stream." My hand fiddles with my beard while my mind sinks deeper into the recesses business mode.

Sam, ever devious and full of playful ideas in her mischievous mind, places the tip of her finger against the head of my cock through the blanket.

"Or we could find a couple of other female adventures and they can all stay in your room, too, Daddy. We've got a pretty big bed, after all..." Once more she stares at me with a toothy grin and a half-lidded gaze of lust, and I can tell instantly she's not joking.

I was more than surprised by this.

"Sam, are you seriously saying... that I should... that WE should... I mean.. What about you?" I know I'm going against what she's been teaching me, but... how can I not in this situation?

"Me? I'm Daddy's little slutty Princess. Why should he care what I think?" Her fingers slip under the covers and she takes my cock into her tight, strong grip. She slowly begins to pump me up and down and a small gasp of surprised pleasure escapes from my lips.

"Besides... Do you REALLY think I can handle this beastly cock all by myself? Reeeeeally, Daddy?" Sam's tone is as sultry and bratty as she can muster- it makes me tremble harder beneath her jerking hand.

Looking back, during our lustapalooza Sam did need a lot more breaks than I did. Often we'd have to take a quick nap for her to recover despite my dick being raring to go.

It was still an odd thing to consider, but... I didn't even have to ask what she actually thought about it. My eyes could read her plain as day. She belonged to me, but she desperately wanted to share me and to not stress about 'staying true' to her.

I feel like I was just crowned King of the world, and my cock hardened like mad as the realization settled in.

Sam sees that I'm starting to understand what she wants and giggles in anticipation of my answer. "What's taking so long, Daddy? Can't make up your mind...?" As if to sweeten the deal her other hand joins its sister in stroking me, making me groan with intense pleasure.

"Sounds... good." I lean my head back, distractedly answering her. Apparently this doesn't do it for Sam. Her eyes glint with pouty anger and her left hand moves down to cradle my swollen balls.

"Daaaaddyyy, haven't you learned anything?" Her salacious, sultry voice rings with disappointment.

"Alright, a-alright...!" My body shudders at her heavy teasing, my balls yearning desperately to release their pulsating load. "Daddy wants... to fuck... nngh... more than just your slutty little Princess pussy. I've been a virgin for so long, that... fuck... I think Daddy deserves all the holes that will willingly take him."

Sam bites her lower lip, and grinds her thighs together just from the thought of me fucking other girls. "Yeah...?" She utters in an uncharacteristically meek manner. Sam wants me to keep going.

"I... I wanna fuck them... ALL of them! All those lewd warriors wearing cheapass hooker armor," She bites down on her juicy lip even harder.

"All those slutty mages who can use spells to make our sex even more mindblowing," Her eyes flutter, watering up from her intense and passionate fantasies.

"I don't even care, FUCK! Just let me FILL THEM ALL UP WITH MY CUM!!" I don't know why I felt compelled to say that, but as soon as I did, a voice inside me congratulated me. You've finally begun to walk your path. It said. This praise was received with an earth shattering orgasm roaring out of my balls.

Almost like a hose my cum pours out in thick ropes straight into the air with such ferocity I feel like I'm aiming for the ceiling. Sam cums, too, just from her own grinding hips and from having a very active imagination. In the throes of her own pleasure, like the good girl she is, she makes damn well sure to see to mine. Her hands milk the ever loving fuck out of my manhood and she decides to thrust her lips onto the top of my red crown.

Her face is splashed once again briefly with my cum before she manages to get it in, but once it is she sets to work on prolonging my cumshot for as agonizingly long as possible. Sam sucks my engorged tip while jerking, slurping up every last drop of cum she can before gasping for air. Slowly but surely I started to fizzle out and my fountain of cum dried up, but damn was it good while it lasted.

After we bask in the afterglow for an appropriate amount of time, she smiles and kisses me again on the tip. "Thanks for breakfast, Daddy. I'm very full now." She rubs her tummy, clearly satisfied. I won't lie, there's a tiny bulge to it and I marvel at the fact that I may honestly have shot out enough semen to serve as a light breakfast for the immature Princess.

But surely my jizz isn't fit to be a meal replacement, right? Duh, it's damn stupid to even think that. But with all the weird voices in my head congratulating me every time I fill Sam up, I can't help but wonder... she's also been eating a lot less since she sucked me off, too. Whatever the fuck's going on, I compartmentalize it in the 'shit for future me to deal with' part of my brain.

"Anything for my Princess," I smile and put a great deal of possessiveness behind those words. Sam blushes greatly, the thought of being mine clearly doing wonders for her maiden heart.

She scoops up a small handful of the steamy semen pasting her youthful face and downs it like it's a delicious delicacy not to be wasted, as if she feels it needs to be inside her.

"You go and get ready, Daddy. Big day ahead of us! We need to start planning your harem Guild, after all!" She licks her lips and her emerald eyes fill up with the most mischievous, lustful fire I've ever seen.

I smile back awkwardly. I did mean what I said, truly. I want to fuck tons of other girls with her by my side but now as I stare into those piercingly determined eyes of hers I start to comprehend just how monumentally insane the thing I just agreed to really was.