A New Perspective

Was cum really supposed to make a girl feel like this? I mean shit, the chatty wenches back at the palace were always going on about how they hated sucking milord's dick. Prattling on over it being the grossest, saltiest junk you could ever put in your mouth. I knew I never liked those bitches for a reason- they were full of shit. Granted I can't speak about any other dudes, but in my experience Boss's cum is the most delicious goddamn thing in all the goddamn lands.

In fact, my body is practically glowing- I've never fuckin' felt this pepped and ready to go. I think about meeting Boss downstairs and asking him for some actual morning sex after all but I know, I know. He's right. We need to actually do shit today. I wasted too much time exploring my sexual desires with him. As fun as it was, there's work to be done. The enemy isn't going to wait.

I quickly equip myself with the lewd red armor I stole from my shitty Father's personal collection of slutty adventurer gear. He's got good taste though, I'll give the bastard that. I had worn it in the hopes of finding a nice older man to take care of me forever and ever, but I didn't think it would work so fast. I blame the girls, Boss loves staring at my titties.

My Father, the esteemed King Theostus Lundreame of Karnalle, protector of the realm, first of his name blah blah blah, is a shitty dad. I'm not gonna admit it anytime soon out loud, but I know damn well where my Daddy issues come from. Too busy fucking every single hussy in the kingdom he could get his hands to spend time with his daughter. Not only that, but he was as loud and public about his lechery as he could be.

Father constantly exposed me to a lot of shit that would probably irreparably damage a young Princess's mind forever. I'm pretty sure it's not normal to be jealous of all the sluts your dad was spending time with. He would always prefer to be balls deep in whore than to hang out with his daughter for a few hours...

Joke's on him on him though, I ran away from home and now his little girl's a big slut with a NEW Daddy. Sure, I have some deeper reasons for doing what I'm doing, but I can't deny on surface level it looks pretty messed up. Gotta keep playing it up, though. I need Boss to trust me.

I know I just met him, but I can already tell he's the weapon that this kingdom needs... and I'll be the one to sharpen him.

Thinking about Boss makes me excited for this new day. I ran down the stairs with great motivation, eager to be with him and equally eager to start planning out how I'm going to help him fix up this Guild. He's right, we do need more adventurers before anything else.

I'm... really not sure where all that harem stuff came from if I'm being honest. Realistically we should be aiming for any sort of heroes we can get, but... it just sort of slipped out. I don't even know why the idea excites me so much but it does, and I can't back out of it now. I'm not even sure I would want to back out of it, even if I could. My face is red, blushing heavily at the thought of what being around him brings out of me.

Just as soon as I reach the end of the rickety staircase, a sudden thought explodes into my mind. "Zuzu...!" I blurt out, my eyes wide.

"Bless you." Boss chimes in from the other room.

Why didn't I think of her sooner?! When I left home a few weeks back, I was in such an absurd hurry to leave that I couldn't even tell my best friend that I was escaping my old life. A sinking pit of dread fills my stomach with something other than Boss's cum. Regret.

No one else visits her in her dusty old tower, and I just... left her all alone, like she used to be. This won't do. I remember her telling me that she got a hero-ing or whatever license but never ended up using it... She'll definitely come if I ask her to, and then we can be together again!

The thought suddenly turns lewd and I freeze, remembering my words this morning and that I was basically just inviting my best friend to come live with me and share my new man with her. Boss... B-Boss needs... Daddy needs new adventurers and they have to be cute, fuckable pieces of ass. Zuzu will fit the bill and then some...!

A lust overtakes me and I lose sight of myself for just a moment, and when I snap out of it Daddy... er... Boss is standing in front of me, using a handkerchief to wipe an embarrassingly large trail of drool off my chin.

"I know we had a fun couple of days, Sam, but you really must take better care of yourself. This is unbecoming." He says in his sexy, deep, velvety voice that drives me crazy. I give him a punch in the arm for what feels like the 50th time in the last 4 days.

"Pft, fuck off Boss, it's your fault for giving me such dirty things to think about!" It's not even a lie. I've always been pretty lewd, I think, but Boss just has this aura about him that penetrates into me and makes me wanna be the dirtiest version of myself possible...!

Just like I'm special to him with his magic eyes bullshit, he's special to me.

I go off and plop myself down on one of the many grubby-ass dining tables and turn to face him. "You can thank me later, Boss, but I just remembered a friend of mine's an adventurer too! You'll love her, trust me. Can you get me some shit to write a letter?"