A New Adventurer Appears

The next day is the same as the last, only swapping out the outdoor sex with a sloppy, passionate outdoor blowjob. There is a key difference to the morning routine in order to test something though- Sam intentionally skips breakfast at my suggestion.

I can tell how much Sam missed filling her mouth with my cock, and it doesn't take long at all for me to bottom out and empty the aching load from within my balls. She swallows it down eagerly and it occurs to me I've never seen the pink glowing light from her mouth before so I ask the young fellatrix to hold her tongue open for a few minutes.

To both our surprise, a pink glow emanates from the depths of her throat once a couple minutes pass. That settles it, there's a magic effect regardless of where I cum, as long as it's inside of her. My mind wanders and I grow more and more excited at the implications, and most of all I really start hoping that this isn't just limited to Sam.

As crazy as it all is, she's right. If I cum magic power up potions, then with a Guild full of sexy adventuring girls we could run such an effective operation it'd be unreal. I could load them up and send them out with increased power, bottle it up to save on provision costs... the business side of me churns restlessly and Sam laughs at the excitement apparent on my face.

"Guess this means anal next, right? For science?" She beams with her own brand of youthful, energetic excitement.

"Only if Zutiria hasn't arrived before tomorrow. And first we still need to do the strength test, Sam." I laugh as she gets ahead of herself.

"Right, right." She lets out a disappointed sigh.

The results of today's blowjob-only power testing are interesting. After the dust settles from Sam's sword, we see that the line along the ground was only about half as long compared to a creampie powered strike. A massive increase from her regular swing, but nothing compared to yesterday.

"And you did it as hard as you could?" I ask for confirmation.

"Yup. Guess it's different based on where your cum ends up, Daddy." She playfully winks.

I'm too distracted by deep thought and analysis to give attention to her efforts at riling me up. "What about your hunger? Do you feel any different?"

Sam thinks for a second before idly rubbing her stomach. "You know, now that you mention it... I was starving before, but... I feel like I'm pretty damn full right now."

"I see." As predicted. "Can you describe the taste...?" I look to her with curiosity.

Sam blushes at my eagerness, or perhaps from how cold and calculating I'm approaching this subject. "Well it's not like I have a frame of reference to compare it to but it's... um... Thick. Creamy. Sweet? I've heard it called salty before but personally I don't see it..." The young tomboy begins noticeably drooling the longer she thinks about it and out of embarrassment she jerks backwards as a long dribble pools down out of her jaw.

"What the fuck?!" Sam worriedly wipes up her saliva and frets nervously.

"It's ok. I assume that my semen is addictive somehow and that thinking about it makes you... well, crave it more." It dawns on me just what I've done to this girl, now. Sam realizes it too and she crosses her arms grumpily... before a smug grin manifests itself across her face from ear to ear.

"You know, Daddy..." She walks towards me leaving her great blade behind her, until she's pressing her armored tits directly into my chest and looking up into my eyes. "You've done a terrible thing to me. You never even asked if I wanted to become a slave to your delicious cum... and now I can't go an hour without thinking about it inside me. You better take responsibility for turning me into your little cumdump, Daddy..."

I return her gaze and see how dead serious she is by the determined glow in her eyes. "Have I proven myself to be anything other than a gentleman, Sam?" I teasingly lift her chin up and lean achingly close to her breath.

"Yes. You've proven to be a very nasty villain, Daddy." She says as breathily and seductively as her young, tomboyish voice can manage.

I kiss my lover long, deep, and passionately, and she kisses me back. Neither of us want to stop, but we must. There's work to be done for the Guild- there always is.


Another lengthy afternoon of low level questing gets done and although we don't say so we both agree that this is getting fairly old. Hopefully Abner comes through and we start getting some better local quests soon, or else I'll have to pay another threatening visit to the old alcoholic chief in the near future.

Sam and I are both fairly tired after several days in a row of this and are looking forward to a break in the near future. However when we arrive back home it becomes obvious that we won't be able to afford a day off tomorrow. We have a visitor.

Sitting quietly on a table in the corner of the dining hall with several large, heavy looking boxes of luggage behind her is the most petite mage I've ever seen. Barely looking to be about four and a half feet tall, clad in a black, frilly skirted dress with white and blue accents as well as with a blue cape draped over her shoulders. Her eyes are a bright blue, hidden behind a huge pair of thick, circular glasses. The girl has a very short pixie hairstyle the color of deep lavender, and resting on the back of her head is the cutest little beret. Propped up against the wooden wall is a long magical staff bigger than its wielder, with an adorable bow up at the top and a large blue-gold heart motif jutting out from the above the bow.

Curiously she has the blankest look on her face I've ever seen- not calm, or tranquil, but distant and empty.

Everything about this little witch made me want to run to her side, pick her up in a giant hug and tell her she's a good girl. I don't, because that would be fucking weird, but she looks like a priceless and beautiful little doll that someone took the best care of.

Sam does not share my restraint and drops her sword in the doorway to run to her friend's side, picking her up in a colossal embrace and spinning her around the dirty room. Still no change in her expression even as her highness twirls her around like it was nothing.

"ZUZUUUUU! YOU'RE FINALLY HERE!!" Sam squeals in the most high pitch manner I've heard from her. She's adorable, I had no idea Sam could even be this cutesy and excited. Once her highness finishes playing with the little mage, she sets her back on the table.

Zutiria says nothing but starts petting Sam's head like the Princess was an over excited puppy. A miniscule smile appears on her face as she does so, and I doubt most people could even see it without my eyes.

I'm not sure how to politely go about this, so I just approach casually and do a small bow before her. "Greetings. I am the Guild Master of the Dewhurst Adventurer's Guild, and I have been eagerly awaiting your arrival, Miss Syndaline."

Sam rolls her eyes. "You don't gotta be stuffy. Just call her Zuzu."

I watch the petite girl eye me up from head to toe. I can almost see her brain scanning every detail about me there is to discover, registering me into the corners of her vast, intellectual mind.

Without a word of warning, Zuzu stands on top of the table and looks down at me from her newly gained height. She reaches down and pulls the sunglasses off from my face, causing reflexive panic to burst throughout my eyes- but nothing happens. I see her clear as day with no pain, just like Sam. I'm filled with that same overwhelming desire to make this girl mine and mine alone and I stare at her in awe. In return she leans closer in as she stares deep into my magic eyes, studying them intently.

The Princess gasps excitedly, obviously overjoyed that whatever odd connection is shared between myself and the tomboy is mirrored by the little witch.

After an eternity of staring into each other's eyes, Zuzu slides my glasses back and leans away. Finally, she 'says�� something for the first time since meeting her. Only she doesn't open her mouth and there's no sound.

In front of her collarbone a glowing blue, mystical script appears depicting only one word. 'Interesting.'