Zutiria Syndaline, the Silent Sorcereress

I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around it. It's a bit surreal, sure, but isn't this going to be a problem...?

I made a very fast dinner for all three of us, less for Sam, obviously, but as the tiny girl eats her meal she's able to fully converse with me and answer any questions I might have.

We talk briefly about the days Sam and I have spent together already and Zutiria takes them in, registering all the little details. We explain that we've been testing the magical effects of my semen, a weird dinner conversation for sure but if the little lady minds she doesn't tell us, and we also talk a bit about myself and my goals for the guild.

She remains silent the entire time, verbally at least. Zutiria continues to respond via what I assume to be a low level illusion spell, creating the words she wants me to read as her response conveniently in my field of vision. Curiously, even if Sam shouldn't be able to read the words from her position she is able to respond just as well. This is why I believe it's an illusion spell. I'm assuming that the mage is broadcasting the words to both of us and we don't see the overlapping words because, again, they're transmitted twice individually.

This is a very odd method of communication and I finally bring myself to ask the burning question despite how aware I am of its potential rudeness. "So, Zutiria. You can't speak? Or you won't?"

'I am unaware. I haven't spoken a word in a very long time and if I tried now I have no idea whether I would even be able to or not.' Zutiria says while eating her baked potato in the most delicate, dainty manner possible.

Sam takes on the appearance of a concerned older sister and gives me a worried look. "Don't ask her too much about this kinda stuff, Boss. It's really personal for her..."

'He's fine, little one. If I'm to remain by your side and stay here, the Master will need to know more about me. Ask, and I will answer.' Her cold blue gaze stares right at me, letting me know it's ok to proceed.

"Do you mind a very blunt question, then?" I put my glasses away into my pocket, taking in the clarity of the adorable mage in full.

'No need, I have read the letter. I am well aware that we will be sharing a bed and that it will end in necessary sexual intercourse. I came prepared for that eventuality and humbly ask that you treat me gently as I am entirely inexperienced. Allow me to apologize in advance if you find my body or my skill lacking.' Even as she says this Zutiria's expression doesn't change a single time, remaining as unblemished by emotion as ever.

I blush heavily, unpacking that all at once. "N-NO! That wasn't where I was going with that...!"

Sam laughs hard and hits the table with her fist, making all the mugs, plates and cutlery jump with a loud clatter. "What'd I tell ya, Boss! Another virgin for your collection!"

I think I see Zutiria smile, but I'm too embarrassed to tell for sure or not. "Damn it, Sam..." I sigh and watch as she sticks her tongue out at me.

Sam's hearty attitude dies down just a bit and she puts her elbow on the table to learn closer to Zutiria. For a moment she's dead serious. "About that, though. You sure it's not gonna be weird... doing stuff to each other? You and me, Zuzu? I mean, you practically..."

It occurs to me now, a lot later than it probably should have, that Zutiria is much younger looking than Sam. A nervous sweat pours from my brow.

'I have always loved you, Sammy. If you had asked me, I would have done anything to please you, after you came of age of course.' Sam tears up at her 'words' and hugs the petite mage, who responds by petting her golden, tousled hair once more.

Wait a second, that didn't sound quite right. None of this sounds fucking right now that I'm thinking about it- this entire time the little girl's been mature, collected and had Sam wrapped around her tiny finger. Sam respected Zuzu, and clearly saw her as something other than a little sister which is what I initially assumed. Not only that, but if she was as young as she looked would Sam REALLY be inviting her into our bed?

"Zutiria. How old are you?" My eye twitches from stress.


I blink.


35. The petite girl hands me a bronze ranked hero-ing license identical to Sam's, and indeed, the year listed as her birthday would make her 35 as of now.

I blink again, harder.

Sam blurts out laughing. "You... Boss, were you thinking I would actually invite some little kid to come have sex with us?!"

'Ha.' Zutiria laughs as well, though her cold face sure as hell doesn't look it.

I let out a deep sigh of relief and brush off Sam's jab. "So when you said you haven't talked in a long time..."

'The last words I spoke were on the day of my 8th birthday, 27 years ago. As for my appearance, many magic users age at a much slower pace. This is what I looked like when I was 18, and nothing has changed since. I hope it's to your liking Guild Master, Sir.'

I don't know what I'm having a harder time believing, her age or her not having talked for 27 fucking years. Does she even have vocal cords anymore, or are they vestigial by this point? I need to steer this conversation back to what I was trying to ask earlier.

Just as the little lady finished up the last of her dinner, I get on with it and asked directly. "Do you rely on non-verbal magic, then?"

'Yes. I can do a few tricks with runes as well, but they're incredibly situational and not suited for combat.'

"Forgive me. I'm just concerned because, well... I'm an avid reader of anything I can get my hands on, especially if it's about the many types of adventurers or magic. I'm only worried because by all accounts in my readings, non verbal magic doesn't bring out even 1/100th of a mage's power."

'That is correct. Zutiria nods her head. I expect to be a complete and total liability able to contribute almost nothing on any given quest. Thank you for taking care of me.' The little mage bows her head politely towards me and I shoot a sudden, threatening glance at Sam.

"I thought you said your friend was a super powerful black mage, Sam."

The Princess begins to panic, "She IS, Boss! She's like... one of the strongest mages the Kingdom has ever seen! I wouldn't lie to you, would I...?!"

I sigh, knowing that the 'not a Princess' Princess was nothing but one huge lie, but not feeling up to calling her out on it.

'She is correct, for what it's worth. I don't think there's another magic user alive who's more powerful than me.' As I read her floating words, a chill runs down my spine. That cold glare of hers is dead serious, she's not joking. Whether or not she's telling the truth, Zutiria certainly believes it to be.
