Chapter 1: Awakening Ceremony

It was evening, and the sun was setting, casting a beautiful reflection on the river. The picturesque scenery went unnoticed as I trudged back from school, a heavy sigh escaping my lips. It had been an exceptionally rough day, and frustration consumed me, clouding my perception of the serene surroundings.

"Hey, William, are you still dwelling on it?" Sarah White, my dear friend, broke through my thoughts with her gentle voice.

I had crossed paths with Sarah three years ago when I first entered high school. With her long blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and graceful figure, she effortlessly embodied the title of a beauty goddess. Our initial encounter took place in the school library, a sanctuary where I sought solace through books. Reading had been a passion of mine since childhood, and even during my middle school days, I would immerse myself in books before heading home.

When high school began, my intention was to continue my quiet reading sessions in the library, strategically positioning myself to avoid unnecessary interactions. The library was a haven of tranquility, seldom frequented by others. However, fate had other plans, and it was there that I first met Sarah.

At first, we both immersed ourselves in our respective books, barely acknowledging each other's presence. But gradually, day after day, we began exchanging words, sharing thoughts, and forging a bond. Looking back, three years had flown by since our friendship took root, blossoming into the meaningful connection we cherished today.

"Hey, what happened today doesn't mark the end of your journey. I believe there's always a way forward, even if you don't awaken to your magic," Sarah's comforting words interrupted my ruminations.

Her genuine concern reminded me of the pivotal events that unfolded earlier—the events that would forever alter the trajectory of my life—the magic awakening ceremony.

Morning, at school.

Anxiety gnawed at me as the day arrived for my own awakening, the initiation into the world of magic. Despite the assurance that awakening was a natural occurrence for me, considering my lineage of strong magicians, my nerves refused to settle.

"Hey, lost in thought?" a voice chimed from behind. I turned around to find Phillip and Mark making their way toward me.

Phillip Scarlet, with his vibrant red hair and captivating black eyes, was the heartthrob of our school. His father's position as the mayor of Miston City only amplified his popularity.

Beside him walked Mark Boyger, Phillip's steadfast childhood friend. Hailing from a wealthy business family that held dominance over 60% of the Miston City market, Mark exuded the air of a privileged youth, despite his unremarkable features.

"Just wondering what element I'll awaken," I replied, my thoughts momentarily escaping the cloud of uncertainty.

"It's bound to be an extraordinary element, given your family background," Mark confidently asserted, while Phillip nodded in agreement.

Chuckling softly, I responded, "Well, we'll just have to wait and see."

With a smile adorning my face, I continued our leisurely stroll toward the hall. The air crackled with anticipation as students buzzed with excitement, eagerly anticipating the magic awakening ceremony—an occasion of great significance for every aspiring magician. It marked the threshold of their mystical journey, the catalyst for their exploration of the unknown.

As we approached the crowded hall, whispers of speculation filled the air. Conversations revolved around the elemental affinities others might awaken and the boundless heights they could reach. Curiosity, envy, and hope intertwined to create an electric atmosphere. Deep down, I pondered my own awakening, wondering which element would course through my veins, shaping my destiny.

Each step closer to the stage quickened the rhythm of my heartbeat, mirroring the electric energy that pulsed through the room. Glancing at Phillip and Mark, I could sense their excitement and confidence. Their successful awakenings had set a high bar for their friend—me. However, amid their encouragement, doubts lingered, whispering of the possibility of falling short. What if I couldn't match their achievements? What if my magical potential proved underwhelming?

Shaking off the unease, I reminded myself that every magician's path was unique. My parents' exceptional abilities didn't guarantee a replica of their journey. Perhaps my true calling lay in an unexpected element or an unforeseen variant power. The realm of possibilities stretched infinitely, mingling anticipation with a hint of trepidation.

At long last, the moment arrived, and my name resonated through the hall. Taking a deep breath, I steadied my nerves and walked toward the stage. Sarah's supportive words echoed in my mind, intertwined with the encouraging nods from Phillip and Mark, kindling a flicker of confidence amidst the uncertainty.

Standing before the towering mana crystal, a surge of determination coursed through me. Regardless of the outcome, this was my chance to unveil the depths of my potential, to discover the unique magic that resided within. With resolve in my heart, I placed my hand upon the crystal, ready to embrace whatever destiny awaited.

Little did I know that this pivotal moment would challenge my beliefs, reshape my perspective, and set forth a path far different from what I had anticipated.

Finally, it was my turn. Phillip had already awakened with a high affinity for fire, while Mark had awakened with a moderate affinity for earth.

In the realm of magic, four elemental forces reigned supreme: fire, earth, water, and air. Each element possessed its own divisions of low, moderate, high, and superior affinities. Additionally, variant elements manifested in specific individuals, further diversifying the magical tapestry.

As Phillip and Mark celebrated their awakenings, their expressions brimming with joy, it was my turn to take the stage and seize my destiny as a magician.

Nervously, I rose from my seat and made my way towards the stage, aware of the murmurs around me. Some speculated on the element I would awaken, while others pondered how a late bloomer like me would fare in the world of magic.

One thing remained certain: my future seemed assured, for even if my awakening was delayed, my family's support shielded me from potential hardships.

As I stood before the colossal mana crystal, I followed the customary procedure, placing my hand upon its surface.

"Please place your hand there and remain still for a moment," instructed the teacher overseeing the ceremony. I waited with bated breath, hoping for a connection to the magical energy that permeated the crystal.




"It's been five minutes, and there's still no reaction." Anxiety laced the teachers' voices as they exchanged worried glances.

"Could the crystal be malfunctioning?"

"It shouldn't be. We checked it beforehand, and all the other students' awakenings proceeded normally."

A wave of panic washed over the assembled teachers and students. Something was amiss, evident from the absence of any response.


Principal Gordon's commanding voice cut through the tension, capturing everyone's attention.

"There's nothing wrong with the crystal. The absence of a reaction signifies one thing—no mana affinity. You were not born with a mana core. That's all there is to it. Next!"

The principal's words struck me with the force of a thunderbolt. Shock reverberated through my being as the realization set in—never in my wildest dreams had I imagined such an outcome.

In a world teeming with abundant mana, the absence of a mana core was considered nearly impossible. It was a rarity, an occurrence more infrequent than encountering a one-in-a-thousand prodigy.

In an instant, my life took on a new dimension—one defined by a single word: limitation.