Chapter 35: The Noble's Plan

In a Western-style noble room, adorned with luxurious furnishings and flickering fireplaces, a man dressed in a pristine white suit sat on a sofa, engrossed in reading a document. The room exuded an air of elegance and refinement, a stark contrast to the young man's intense expression.

"Knock! Knock!"

The sound of a gentle rap on the door interrupted his reading. Mr. Smith, the young man's trusted butler, entered the room, bowing respectfully as he greeted his master.

"Master," Mr. Smith addressed the young man with the utmost respect.

"Speak," the young man replied without lifting his head, his voice filled with authority.

"As per your order, I have delivered your message to the young lady. However, as predicted, she still refuses to meet you and return to the family," Mr. Smith reported carefully, aware of the importance of his words.

"Still as stubborn as before," the young man muttered, his expression turning fierce as he heard the butler's report.

A heavy silence settled in the room, punctuated only by the crackling of the burning logs in the fireplace. The young man seemed lost in thought, his mind focused on some undisclosed matter, while Mr. Smith patiently waited for his next command.

"Just proceed with the plan then. When the time comes, she will have no choice but to rely on me. I have also heard that the other group has begun to make their move. Keep a close eye on them," the young man ordered, his voice resolute.

"Yes, master," Mr. Smith acknowledged, bowing once more before silently exiting the room, closing the door behind him.

Alone in the room, the young man sat there, his gaze fixed on the document, though his mind drifted elsewhere. "Sarah..." he whispered, a mix of longing and determination in his voice.

"Sarah, did that guy send someone to you again?" Anna questioned Sarah as soon as she arrived at her house. Anna stood at the door, her impatience evident as she sought answers.

"Anna, why didn't you tell me you were coming over? And this isn't the best place to discuss it. Come inside," Sarah responded calmly, unaffected by Anna's question. She had anticipated the inquiry and was prepared to address it.

Once they reached the living room, Anna could no longer contain her curiosity. Her eyes pierced Sarah's, demanding an explanation.

"I know he sent someone, and the message is always the same. He wants me to return," Sarah replied helplessly, as if resigned to the recurring situation.

Ever since her location had been discovered, that man had relentlessly pursued her, urging her to come back home. Sarah had longed for a peaceful life, but it seemed increasingly unlikely.

"I knew it! If only we could stay here peacefully a bit longer, we wouldn't have to deal with those guys in the capital," Anna exclaimed, frustration etched across her face as she flung the sofa pillows aside in a burst of anger.

"I understand your frustration, Anna, but let's hold on a little longer, alright? If we manage to obtain that item, our future won't be as arduous. The graduation test is in a few days, so it won't be long now," Sarah reassured her friend, attempting to assuage her concerns.

"Okay. But whenever I think about that guy, it just irritates me. Can't he just disappear from our lives?" Anna grumbled, her irritation still evident.

Sarah listened attentively, understanding that words alone couldn't erase their troubles. She was determined to prove herself through her actions. One day, she would return to her family and make her uncle and aunt regret their treatment of her.

A week had passed, and tomorrow marked the day of the graduation test. Although it would commence with a theoretical examination, it didn't alleviate my worries.

Throughout the week, I had practiced relentlessly. With the Supreme Warrior Scripture, I had begun training the fourth chapter, pushing myself to repeat the 36 Warrior Fighting Techniques in multiple cycles. Once accomplished, I would reach the three-star warrior stage, standing at the pinnacle of the low-tier realm.

In addition, I diligently honed my sword skills every day. The seven simple moves Master had shown me were ingrained through countless repetitions, leaving my hands exhausted and sore. Although straightforward, these movements demanded significant time and energy. Moreover, the practice sword's weight added to the challenge. I had been instructed to repeat each movement a thousand times a day before earning a moment's respite. To be honest, it felt like a week of pure torment.

However, there was a silver lining. Thanks to my rigorous training regimen, my mastery of the Supreme Warrior Scripture had improved. I realized that this scripture required me to push my body to its limits to unlock its full potential, much like in actual combat.

"William, come inside the house!" Just as I was wrapping up my training for the day, Master's voice bellowed from within the house.

Excitement surged through me as I anticipated the reason behind his summons. Finally, after a week of anticipation, it had arrived—a weapon crafted specifically for me by a skilled blacksmith. It would be my very first weapon.