Chapter 46: Surrounded

As we moved forward inside the middle area of the forest, we encountered a multitude of monsters, including a formidable Rank 5 creature. This time, both Anna and Thomas actively joined the fray instead of staying behind, but due to our time constraints, we focused more on evading the monsters rather than engaging in prolonged battles.

"It shouldn't be far. If we keep up this pace, we should arrive at that place tomorrow. William, can you keep up?" Sarah asked, her voice filled with determination.

"No problem," I replied, shaking my head. I didn't want to slow down the team since we were so close to our destination. Besides, physical endurance had always been my greatest strength, so I had no concerns about keeping up with the pace.

Satisfied with my response, Sarah nodded and said, "Okay, let's move on."

As we continued our journey, unbeknownst to us, a group of men dressed in black was also making their way towards us from behind. Though they moved at a slightly slower pace than our team, they possessed tracking abilities that kept them constantly aware of our location.

A short while later, the group's leader ordered his men to halt. Another man in black approached him, and the leader inquired, "Skinny, what's the situation?"

Skinny, a nimble individual with the telltale movements of a wind mage, swiftly reported, "Leader, I've scouted the team, and there's no mistake that she is the one. She is the target young master instructed us to bring back. Based on their direction, it's likely they're headed to that place."

"Good work. Keep tailing them and update me with any new information," the leader commanded.

"Yes, leader!" Skinny acknowledged before swiftly disappearing, his speed matching his name.

"Leader, do we need to continue following them?" one of the men asked, stepping forward.

"No. Now that we've confirmed the target and their destination, we no longer need to shadow them like this. Divide into two teams. One will accompany me to reach the destination first. By increasing our speed, we'll arrive ahead of them and set up an ambush. The other team will continue trailing the target from behind. Remember, they must remain unaware of our presence. Be cautious," the leader explained.

"Understood, sir!"

"And remember, this mission comes directly from the young master, so failure is not an option," the leader emphasized.

"Yes, sir!"

"Alright then, disperse!" With that command, half of the men vanished, leaving only the remaining half to accompany the leader. Soon, they too disappeared, leaving the area empty as if no one had been there just moments before.

After hours of arduous travel, we finally arrived at our destination. Before us stood a towering mountain that seemed to reach the sky, and we were now at the foot of it.

"The entrance is over there," Sarah pointed out, indicating the location of the hidden vestige.

Upon seeing the entrance, I couldn't help but doubt whether this vestige could truly be considered "hidden." It appeared to be nothing more than a typical cave entrance, lacking any apparent concealment.

Lost in my thoughts, I felt a tap on my back. Anna, who had come up from behind, struck me lightly and said, "What are you thinking about? Let's go."

I quickly followed her, but suddenly, an unexpected event unfolded before us.

"All of you, stop there!" Six human-like shadows appeared, blocking our path to the cave entrance. Clad in black combat suits and armed with weapons, they exuded an air of danger.

"Who are you?" Sarah demanded, stepping forward to confront them. Her face displayed a slight crease, indicating her surprise and displeasure at their interference.

"Miss Sarah, it's a pleasure to meet you. You can call me Mr. Black. I am here on the orders of Young Master Jonathan to bring you back," the apparent leader, Mr. Black, introduced himself.

Upon hearing the name "Young Master Jonathan," memories of the encounter I had with the young master surfaced in my mind. Could this be the same person? If so, it would be a terrifying development.

Before I could voice my doubts about his identity, Sarah and the rest of our team quickly confirmed my suspicions.

"Him again!" Anna exclaimed, her face contorted with anger. Thomas, who had remained quiet until now, also wore a displeased expression. Their reactions provided the answer I sought.

"Mr. Black, are you sure you want to impede us here? I can assure you that if any harm befalls me, the army will swiftly arrive, and none of you will be able to escape," Sarah declared, her tone laced with a veiled threat.

A smile crept onto Mr. Black's face as he confidently responded, "Haha, I am aware of that. However, are you truly willing to take that step? Let me remind you that if you call in the army, we will destroy this entrance, and your dreams will be shattered forever."

Sarah's threat had little effect on Mr. Black, who promptly countered with one of his own.

"Sarah, I think we should retreat for now," I whispered, conveying my thoughts on the matter. In my opinion, it was currently our best course of action.

"Tsk, retreat? Who said you could retreat now?" Mr. Black taunted, his smile widening.

Just as I suspected, he had predicted our plan. As if on cue, another group of black-clad individuals appeared behind us, effectively blocking our retreat.

It was clear that we were completely surrounded.