Chapter 61: Clash with the Intruder

From a distance away, I looked at Sarah walking step by step towards the inheritance pagoda. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of inheritance she would receive. Queen Elizabeth's magic and spells were unknown to me, so I couldn't even begin to guess the nature of the powers she would gain.

Shaking off those thoughts, I refocused my attention on the surrounding area. It was crucial to remain vigilant in case something unexpected happened. As I kept watch, my eyes darted back to Sarah, observing the process of her receiving the inheritance.

The moment Sarah set foot inside the pagoda, the artifact within began to tremble, emitting a brilliant light. Simultaneously, a crystal white chain emerged from the artifact, swiftly binding Sarah's hands and legs. She was then dragged inside the pagoda, triggering a series of changes within.

As Sarah disappeared from sight, the pagoda emitted another radiant light, this time from its very structure. It became evident that a defensive mechanism had been activated the moment someone approached to receive the inheritance. The barrier spell, more sophisticated than any I had ever seen, encased the pagoda, shielding it from external interference.

"Well, with that barrier successfully erected, I suppose there is nothing left for me to do now," I murmured to myself, believing my role to be fulfilled.

It was supposed to be the time I could relax my body a bit, but just as I was about to let my guard down, a sound reached my ears, originating from the surrounding area. I scanned my surroundings, searching for the source of the noise, but found nothing out of the ordinary. Just as I thought it might have been a figment of my imagination, the sound echoed once again, this time clearer and more discernible.

To my surprise, the sound came from above me. I gazed upwards and witnessed the sky splitting apart. If it wasn't an illusion, then the only explanation was that someone was forcefully tearing open the fabric of space, attempting to enter this secluded realm from the outside world.

Fixing my gaze on the cracked space, I tried to discern the identity of the intruder. Whoever it was, they possessed either formidable magical prowess or a special spatial artifact. Regardless, I hoped that this unexpected visitor was not an adversary, or else I would find myself in a precarious situation.

It didn't take long for my question to be answered because I soon saw the man who came into this hidden space.

At first glance, he was wearing a full mage set with an emblem of a family I knew fairly well—the Draco family.

"Oh? It seems I am late. No matter, I just need to rip through that barrier," said the mysterious man, paying no heed to my presence.

"You! How did you manage to enter here?" Though I did not know the man, I was sure he was here to take Sarah away. Hoping to divert his attention, I asked him with a loud voice.

"Hmph? It seems an ant is barking here. No matter, I'll just dispose of you and finish the young master's order as soon as possible," the man retorted dismissively, disregarding my question. In an instant, he vanished from my line of sight and reappeared right before me.

"Fast!" I thought in amazement, realizing the immense speed he possessed.

Before I could process the situation further, his hand morphed into a claw, which he thrust toward my face. The claw made contact, gripping my face tightly, and then, with incredible force, he slammed me into the ground.

The impact felt as though I had been hurled from the heavens. Agony surged through my body, and I couldn't help but cough up blood, indicating the severity of the blow.

"Stay down. I'm in a hurry here," the man remarked, paying me no further attention as he strode toward the barrier.

Lying on the ground, my gaze fixed upon the sky, he quickly disappeared from view, leaving only the sound of his footsteps behind. Though the pain wracked my body, I couldn't afford to remain still. I mustered all my strength and forced myself to stand, determined to protect Sarah from any danger.

"Hey! I'm not finished with you!" I shouted, hoping to divert his attention once again and buy more time. Furthermore, I was genuinely curious about how he managed to breach this space.

"You should have stayed down," the man replied coolly, raising his hand. Initially, I believed he intended to approach me once more, but it soon became evident that he was casting a spell. I couldn't discern the spell's tier, but what astonished me the most was his ability to employ magic within this realm.

In mere seconds, the man completed the incantation and hurled the spell toward me. This time, I was better prepared and swiftly dodged the magical attack, rolling to the side to evade its impact.

"You! How can you use magic here?" I questioned, bewildered by his display of arcane power.

"Ants don't need to know such things," the man sneered, his response aligning with my expectations.

Refusing to remain passive, I brandished my shield and charged toward him. I concentrated my energy on my legs, propelling myself forward as swiftly as possible. If I could close the distance, I could stall for more time. Despite my lack of knowledge regarding his initial attack, I had no other choice but to engage in close combat.

However, reality once again struck me harshly. Neglecting to protect my back, a spell suddenly struck me from behind, causing me to stumble and fall to the ground. It was a homing spell, a high-tier magic that required exceptional mana control—something typically unattainable for a high school student.

It became evident that this would be a grueling fight for me. Nevertheless, I refused to yield. Despite the pain surging through my body, I rose to my feet once more, determined to protect Sarah at all costs.