Wrong turn

Though it was only for about a week or so, the journey back to Valchester was uneventful and boring. However, around halfway into the journey, we met up with the elven woman Fren had mentioned, she was tall, had golden blonde hair, piercing green eyes, and clad in gold armor. She spoke very sternly, "I'll assume you are the lot sir Fren sent to rescue his brother's bride?" "Yes. Yes, we are. Who might you be?" "My name is Silaqui Erenaeth, now keep your mouths shut and follow me." I simply shrugged and did as she asked, "I like her." I heard Oloric say quietly driving the cart forward. For the remainder of the way back we were led by Silaqui, only resting when she rested and keeping watch with her for long. I assume that she must have been a soldier once upon a time, seeing as how she can handle herself out this far from civilization. One night while we were about a day or so from Valchester, I took my watch with her. I decided to get to know her a little better, "Silaqui, I wanted to ask, Who were you before, to put it vaguely, all this?" She gave me a look and took a minute before she answered, "I was the daughter of a noble within the capital city. I decided to join the military because I thought it would bring honor to my family, likely to get us higher in the food chain so to speak." She took a bite from the dried meat Oloric brought and chewed it thoroughly before continuing her story. "Long story short, I got in, went through the training fought in a few battles, came back to a couple of dead parents and a debt I can barely pay back." "Sounds like a familiar story to me."

"How so?" I took a piece of bread from our rations and explained to her my story up until this point, throughout the explanation, she hung on to every word and seemed rather interested in what I had to say. "Wow, I guess we are pretty similar Crowfeather." "I guess so. Do you not have any family at all?" She looked down at the ground then up at the night sky, "Had a brother, we haven't talked in a very long time. Said he didn't want me to fight with people who don't give a damn about folks who look like us. He left some time ago. Lives in a small town called Grayfort, it's not as bad as it sounds, just a lot of fog and Goliaths." "I think I've heard of that place, aren't they rivals with a clan of Goliaths deep in a nearby plot of a forest?" She nodded, "Lucky they aren't too violent, just the occasional skirmish every few months, nothing too harsh." Another moment passes, "You ever plan to talk to him again?" "I saw a hint of a smile on her face, "One day. Maybe after I get you all home." "I suppose I should get some shut-eye." "You do that, I hardly need sleep anyway." I smiled and got into my tent to sleep whatever was left of the night away.

Once we arrived in Valchester we were greeted with open arms by Fren, "I knew hiring you all would get the job done I just knew it." Oloric chuckled, wasn't much in terms of fighting, but I guess what's done is done." "Indeed, Frederick! Would you care to get us some wine, oh and inform my father to get us the chest won't you." His servant bowed and made his way up the stairs, likely to inform his father first. "Excuse me Mr.Crowfeather." He said, "Would you kindly follow me, I must speak with you about a private matter." I followed Fren over to a quieter area, "Oh Frederick set the chest over on the counter where the others are, and if you would so kindly disperse our friends' payment thank you." Frederick bowed as he took the chest over to the counter then down to the cellar, "Let's go to my quarters. We'll have all the privacy in the world." I followed him up the stairs up to his bedroom, "Make yourself comfortable and take off all that armor for me won't you." He said biting his bottom lip. He walked into his private washroom as I began to take off the armor. I had this strange tension in my chest, a good tension, maybe it was the fact that I was going to have relations with a noble in his bed, or maybe it was because his father was a few doors over, I don't know, but something was making me feel giddy inside. Before I could turn around I felt a soft pair of hands make their way under my shirt, I felt a soft pair of lips on the back of my neck. The very sensation of it made me quiver in excitement.

"Such a strong, and beautiful man like you, deserves a special reward for being so brave and putting his life on the line for someone he cares about." I felt his lips travel from the back of my neck and down my spine, "Turn around for me darling." he commanded softly. He chuckled softly as he undid the buckle of my belt and lowered both my pants and my undergarments, "Oh my….quite excited are we?" Without a second thought, I brought Fren back up and picked him up the way you would bring home your newlywed bride and threw him onto the bed. "Let's stop with the teasing huh?" Fren said nothing as we kissed passionately. I don't know how long we were gone, I don't even remember too many other details of what happened, all I could remember were the moans and the gasps of air that escaped our mouths. I remember the softness of his skin, the sweat running down our bodies, finally, the last I could remember was waking up before Fren, long before I should say. He was sleeping so soundly, a peaceful and loving smile on his face. As quietly as I could I put my armor back on and left the room. It was relatively quiet as I came down the stairs, however, I did find a large pouch full of the promised platinum, a full glass of champagne, and a note that said, "Shane, since you and Fren were having your, "Conversation." We decided to get ahead for a bit, you're likely to catch us if you hurry." After reading the note I took the pouch and drank the champagne from the glass. After which I walked outside to grab my horse who seemed to be doing well after my time being away. I got on and made my way out of the city.

However, I heard a loud noise coming from behind me, as I turned to see who or what it might have been, a crossbow bolt whizzed right past my face and narrowly missed my horse, "YOU ULFGURDIAN BASTARD!!" Behind was a very angry and red-faced man, Fren frantically yelling behind him, I assume this man was his father. He was loading another crossbow bolt so I spurred my horse and rode as fast as I could, "Ride like the wind boy!" I yelled as I rode hard through the streets of the city, trying hard not to hit anyone in my way, and as I rode past the entrance into the city I heard a familiar voice in the distance, "Crowfeather! Slow down!" I pulled the reins when I saw Silaqui and the others, "I thought you were all going on without me." I said letting my horse catch his breath, "We were, but Willow felt a little too guilty leaving you behind." "Well, how could I not? You can't leave a young man like Shane here in the hands of an angry old man, especially one who isn't too fond of….well best not to dwell on the matter. Let's get home shall we?" I chuckled and followed along with the others.

I knew that it would most likely be a long journey home, but with this group of people it wasn't too long, at least it didn't feel like it. A week or so went by as if it were nothing, which in turn might have been a bad thing because we were deep within an area of woods I didn't recognize. The sky was getting darker as we went deeper and deeper into the now darkened forest. An uneasy feeling of being watched came over me, some of the others and a couple of the horses could feel it as well. "Silaqui? Are you sure we're supposed to go this way? I don't like the feeling this place gives me." Kara said, staring up at the trees, "I agree. There is something about these woods that gives me an uneasy feeling, and I made a pact with a voice in my head." Atlan said, somewhat sarcastically.

"I know where we're going, besides, it's fine, we're in Black Oak forest, it's a little creepy at night but there's nothing at all to be afraid of here." Kara stopped in her tracks, "What did you say?" She asked, "Black Oak forest, nothing but trees around for miles aro-" "Black Oak forest doesn't exist anymore." Kara said, "What?" "65 years ago, Black Oak forest was conquered by-" Before Kara could finish her sentence, a loud blood-curdling wail sounded deep within the forest, and a small volley of arrows came right at us. "Run!!" I screamed as we rode deeper into the woods. Willow fired magic at whatever she could see while trying to not get hit by the insane amount of arrows headed our way, in front of us was an entire row of them ready to release the knocked-back arrows, "I got this." Atlan said as he moved up inside the cart, I watched a blueish purple sphere of energy form in his hand, he extended his arm outwards, his eyes began to glow with the same color of the energy in his hands as he said, "Eldritch blast." In a bright flash, this sphere of energy launched from his hand and exploded at the feet of the elves taking them all out, as the smoke somewhat cleared, I could see that a few died on impact and two of them lost their legs and could barely move. We rode deeper and deeper into the woods until we stopped being under the fire of arrows. The sun was beginning to rise, we rode all night without any means of rest, "Sound off if you're still alive."

Silaqui said, We all just grunted and groaned from fatigue, "Kara you still got arrows?" "Three left. And two throwing knives. That's about it. I got a short sword and a longsword if we get into close range with them." "If you want, ye can take the arrows in me shield," Oloric said, "I say rest here for now, but we gotta move, and move fast. Fuck what were those things?" "Have you never seen or heard of the red elves?" I said, "Red what?" "Red elves, bloodthirsty bastards. All red-headed elves, all sorcerers, rangers, wizards, fighters, rogues, you name it they've mastered it and kill you 100 ways before you even hit the ground. They hate outsiders, they even kill their kind if they step off their territory." "Fuck. So no outsiders and no acceptions for their kin?" "Yeah, ruthless, and very, very unforgiving." I sat against the tree we decided to hide behind and closed my eyes, I didn't sleep at all last night so I might as well get at least an hour or so in.

Somehow, by some miracle, we managed to get a full eight hours of sleep. Hell, Silaqui managed to get some sleep as well. I was the first to wake up. I looked around to see it was safe, and slowly and quietly began to wake everyone up. "Alight everybody up?" They nodded, as I turned around a whole group of red elves popped up out of nowhere weapons in hand, "We just had to take a wrong turn." I said as I took out my daggers and prepared for a fight.