A warm home and even warmer bed

We spent hours making a sled to slide the carcass of the beast onto it, it took even longer to put it on, tie it in place tightly and drag it everywhere, " By the Allfathers I wish we had a goliath with us. It'd make carrying this thing much easier." I said dragged this possible 500-700 pound animal across snowy plains, "Would you quit whinging? We're almost at the cave we'll rest there for the night like last time, after that, we go nonstop until we reach my cabin." "You're kidding, right? On foot it's a simple trip of a few hours, it'll take a day maybe even two days to get there." I said, still trying my best to drag the dead beast on a creaking sled that is quite possibly on the verge of breaking. "Listen you tall shite for brains. I've calculated this, we rest here for the night, wake up at first light, and we save a few hours by taking a short cut I know about that will let us avoid any hills and all that, saving us more than enough time to reach my cabin and not having to lose our prize and not having to spend whole days walking through the forest risking poachers and predators." I raised an eyebrow and thought about what she said.

Then it hit me, "Why didn't we take this shortcut on the way over in the first place?" "because I tested it and it took longer going to that specific spot that it was leaving. And before you ask or start to think about it more, It is not a goblin-sized hole you can't fit through, it's a separate trail I marked clearly, and it's at a downward slope to make it much easier for you to drag this thing." I opened my mouth to say something but promptly closed it to avoid possible embarrassment, "Yeah that's what I thought." She said walking further ahead, her head held up high. I shook my head and kept walking towards the cave we made camp in last time. I slid the sled into the cave while Raleen set up another fire. "Right, rest up, and be ready to leave early." "Yeah yeah…" I said lying on my back. I closed my eyes as the cool stone ground began to warm up over time.

Though I knew I had to wake up early I didn't know I would be woken up this early. Outside the cave was still bleak darkness and an overwhelming cold, however, I didn't see Raleen anywhere until I felt something on my chest. Raleen was fast asleep snuggling right up on me, her back pushing me into my chest. It was likely for warmth but I couldn't help think about how cute she looked. She was sleeping so soundly, I watched as her chest rose and fell, my heart began to beat and a familiar feeling in my chest began to take over, I wanted to wake her up and tell her about this feeling, I wanted to let this feeling take over and spend the night with her the way I want to. But I kept my composure, she needed her rest, I focused my mind on other subjects, so many moments passed in my mind all of which led me back into the land of slumber.

However, for the first time in a very long time, I had a dream. It was dark and cold in this space, leafless trees surrounded me. They all looked that same and as I walked I heard the call of crows, first one, then several, I kept walking faster and fast as more and more of them landed on the leafless branches, I began to run as fast as I could, all I could see were more trees and the constant noise from the crows now surrounding me, I then heard the sound of hundreds maybe thousands of wings all flapping, I looked around and saw all the crows swoop down and fly like a swarm of angry bees down towards the ground to form an enormous crow, to be specific, it was as tall as a storm giant and it must have had a 200-foot wingspan as it opened its wings, perhaps as a form of intimidation. Preparing for the worst, I felt the earth beneath me shake, and behind the crow a snake the size of an adult dragon, its eyes a bright purple, and it's as long and as sharp as any well-made blade or spear. It attacked the crow and I watched stunned and frozen in place. As I looked up towards the sky thunder clapped loudly as a blinding flash of thunder distorted my vision and there above me I saw two hooded figures, one in all black with a sword and dagger in each hand, the other in very well made white and purple armor with two elegantly made daggers in their hands, and as the lightning flashed I awoke with a start, my heart was beating faster than a tabaxi monk could run.

Raleen woke up and nearly shot me, " what the bloody hell is wrong with you?!" she shouted as we both tried to catch our breath from the scare we experience, "sorry… it's just….I had a nightmare." She sighed as she put away her crossbow, "Well, at least we're both up, we can get ahead of schedule if go now." I just nodded and went along with her, I didn't even mind dragging the dead animal anymore at that point as we kept moving along the path until we reached her shortcut, "Right. See? I told y we'd make it, now come on let's quit dallying we'll be there in no time." I rolled my eyes and kept following her along the path as the sun began to set once more, "Raleen you sure it's safe at night?" "Did we not just spend a whole night and day getting here? Did I also not say that this path was free of poachers and predators?" Before I could even say anything she said, "That's what I thought….by the way you smell like an undead pig." I stopped and lifted my arm and I didn't even need to smell anything as the stink hit me harder than a mountain giant throwing stones at me. "When we get to my cabin, you are taking a bath." At the time I didn't question it however when it did occur it was a bit too late for me to ask. How was I, a human, going to fit in a goblin's bathtub? The answer surprised even me.

After what felt like a whole night's hike back, we finally arrived at her cabin, which to a tired man's eye was a sight for sore eyes, as well as sore arms and legs. "I'll show you where to leave the beast, after that you can take off that armor and all that while I draw you a bloody bath," she said leading me behind the cabin, "There. Right between the two woodpiles." I followed where she was pointing and left the dead beast there. After finally being able to stop dragging a heavy carcass everywhere I went inside with some firewood and placed a few pieces into the fireplace before heading into her bedroom to prepare for the bath, strangely enough, the bed was big enough for at least one more person, I was going to ask her about it when she told me that the bath was ready.

I walked into the room and there I found a tub full of steaming water and a couple of bars of soap, not what I was used to, then again, I've never stayed too long at another person's house before. I sat in that pool letting the water warm my body, I had gotten so cozy I nearly forgot to clean myself. I took one of the bars of soap and began scrubbing my whole body, from my face to the bottom of my feet. Once I knew I was clean, I started rinsing myself off making sure I was no longer covered in soap. Eventually, I found myself sitting in the tub simply enjoying its warmth. I had closed my eyes and let myself rest for a moment when I heard a familiar voice, "Oi! Make some room." I looked up to see Raleen holding up a towel covering her body, "I- you- why?" she rolled her eyes, dropped the towel, and said, "I said to make room ya manky git!" I did as instructed while looking away, "What you ain't ever seen a naked woman before?" She asked, "N-no I have I'm just-" "just what?" she said making her way over to me, "Come on...I know you must fancy me…" I could smell a heavy amount of alcohol on her breath, "You're drunk." I said trying to discourage her, "So?....makes you even cuter in my opinion." right there she kissed me.

I returned the kiss, a passionate heat rose within my chest a similar feeling to what I have felt in the past. A similar feeling I felt in the cave, here and now both of us intertwined in the heat of the moment. She began to kiss at my neck and I pulled her into a more intense kiss, claiming her lips, I wanted to take her here and now, I picked her up and held her by her thighs, her lips still locked with mine, when she said, "Wait….not here… too slippery, and I still smell like troll shite." I laughed a bit and set her back down, and gave a quick peck on the lips, "dry off in the room, I'll be there in a moment." I smiled as I got out of the tub and into the room. A few moments go by when I heard the door open up and I see Raleen once again only wearing a towel, this time I didn't mind when she dropped it. We spent most of the night not getting a wink of sleep. Although she was two and a half feet shorter than me, she had the stamina of an adult goliath when you think she's done, she's just getting started.

After hours of moaning and commanding requests, we both lied there under the covers of this bed as the fire and the heat from our bodies kept us warm throughout the cold winter night. I guess this is how that ranger in that book must have felt.