The Gathering Pt.3

When I saw the body I knew the jig was up and we had to get ready for a fight. Everyone was screaming bloody murder and they all ran off in different directions save a few people all dressed in black there were ten in total, two of them were large, very strong, almost goliath sized men, the rest were regular humanoid sized folk, "Tell us where the mistress is and we will not have to shed blood as you have done so to us." I dropped down from the balcony, Bayar did the same alongside me, "She safe?" I asked him, he nodded, I took out my daggers and took a deep breath, "at least it's one less thing to worry about.

Paavu, in a seething rage, screamed in anger rushing one of the bigger men that came to kill the mistress. With the enormous axe swinging wildly, I could almost feel the air being split open. The first few swings missed entirely as the large man moved with such unreal speed his final swing buried itself in the man's face, slicing it open like fresh watermelon. Blood spewed out and covered Paavu and in that continuous rage, he charged at the other men trying to take him down.

Oz pulled out the smaller devices he had at his hips and pointed one at a man charging at him directly, a sword high above his head. With a loud BANG, the man was knocked down, then another BANG rang out and he was no longer moving. Then three in quick succession, BANG, BANG, BANG. Three men dead. Caught off guard Oz was being grappled to the ground, so he took a large knife he had and haphazardly started jabbing at the man behind him managing to get him in the eye. The man holding the eye in pain didn't see Oz turn around and point directly at his chest, the final, BANG rang out.

Kevin and Breena fought together, at each other's side. As they watched all of us fight, it seemed like Kevin might have gotten an idea, he brought Breena in close to whisper in her ear, she seemed surprised and smiled, she gave an affirmative nod before she cast a spell. In an instant, she turned into a large tiger, which Kevin hopped onto screaming, "Fuck yeah! Polymorph!" Breena in her tiger form pounced onto one of the assassins and began to tear into him. Screaming and writhing in pain the man tried to escape, Kevin took the opportunity and aimed his crossbow right in the man's face and fired a bolt that went right through his head.

There were only two left, one was busy with Bayar, as fast as lightning itself the clashing and ringing of swords rang through the floor. I watched Bayer fight with the very grace of a dancer blessed by the gods, he moved with such speed and accuracy that I didn't even see how quickly he cut the man down practically cutting the man down to size. All that was left was one single assassin. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, we had him surrounded. "Tell us who sent you and we won't have to put you in a pile with the rest of your friends here," I said, my sword at his throat, "I would rather die than tell you...besides, your brother would be disappointed we didn't finish the job." "So wait," Kevin said hopping off of the polymorphed Breena, "You weren't sent here to kill the mistress, you were sent to kill Shane?" "Indeed, all this was to get his attention and bring him out here. Once we had him all we had to do was kill him, the rest of you, and the mistress." "Too bad it didn't plan out huh?" A smile formed on his face, they didn't, but I did!" in an instant the assassin leaped at me, reaching for something on his back. I didn't hesitate and pushed forward driving my sword into his chest and taking him back down to the ground.

He laid there, lifeless, cold and blood pooling out of him, "You should go check on the mistress my friend," Bayer said sheathing his weapons, "We will finish here." I nodded and made my way back up to where I left the mistress, however as I made my way back to her, walking past that same hallway that had the man with the dagger in his back, I noticed that the dagger was gone, I decided it wasn't worth my time for now as I had to make sure the mistress was safe. As I made my way to the office door to pick, it swung open and there was a slightly sober mistress tripping into my arms, "W-what happened?! I thought I heard screaming and fighting and I was so worried and I thought I…" I held her close, "We're fine, none of the guests got hurt and we handled the situation. The royal guard you hired will likely be here within a few hours if the people ran far enough." She buried her face deep into my chest avoiding my eyesight, "Thank you…." she looked up at me, a look of relief on her face as her eyes began to form tears, I didn't know why it could have been from the fact that no one had gotten hurt, could be that she no longer had to worry about her life being in danger or that we finally took care of her problem.

It could have been a great many things, but that look on her face made me feel as though I helped someone. Without a second thought she grabbed the sides of my face and brought my lips to hers, we separated for a moment, "What was that for?" I asked, "That...that was for nothing….this," she said pulling me back in, "this is for everything." when she placed her lips on mine my heart skipped a beat, her arms wrapped around me as we stood here in the heated embrace of our interlocked lips, the heat within our bodies began to rise the more passionate the kiss became. I started to notice the smell of her perfume, a mix of jasmine and desert rose, the silk fabric of the dress I practically wanted to rip off of her. Instead, I carried her back up into her chambers. It was already late at night and it was getting dark so as she undressed behind a set of blinds I lit some candles and some incense simply for the hell of it.

As I was in the process of taking off my boots a felt the weight of something get on the bed. Behind me, I felt the soft hands of the mistress begin to work their way up and down my body as she placed soft kisses on my back and my neck. After finally taking off my boots and trousers a laid on my back as the mistress climbed on top of me and straddled my hips. We locked lips once more, our moans muffled by our intertwined lips. She arches her back as her hips began to grind, very lovingly and slow at first. As time passed she sped up her grinding, going faster, her moans echoing in her chambers.

I held her hips as she moved up and down. I picked her up and gently placed her back down on her back as I began to thrust into her, her moans becoming louder, I could still smell a hint of wine on her breath as we kept going throughout the night, our bodies dripping with sweat as we finished. I planted a soft kiss on her cheek before she got up to open a nearby window to let in the cool night breeze. However, as we were just starting to get comfortable and sleep the rest of the night away We heard shouting from a deep voice coming from downstairs, "It cannot be! Quickly! You must hide or do something! Anything, just go!" I couldn't even get a single word in as I haphazardly put my trousers and boots back on and grabbed all of my clothing.

I hopped out the open window and stood along the edge carefully putting the rest of my clothes back on as a goliath burst into the room a terrified and worried look on his face slowly becoming one of joy and relief, "My darling wife you are alive!" he said holding her close, "But...but they told me you had died!" "I am an actor darling, I had to play the part of an old dead king, so I sent letters to all who knew me to tell them I had died, imagine their surprise when they read the review for the new play." They continued to talk about him pretending to be dead and both of them were relieved that neither of them is harmed, "Oh, and if you don't mind me asking my dear, why are you partially clothed?" "Oh? Oh! Well, after the night I had I wanted to get comfortable before going to bed and sending the payment tomorrow morning to those people I had hired for my protection my dearest."

I peeked in and noticed he had a skeptical look on his face before smiling wide and saying, "Of course darling! You must be exhausted, and I am to I dare say worrying about your life being in danger and having to rush back home to see if you were alright is hard work on the heart, I will go gather my belongings back downstairs and meet you back here. In the meantime rest well, I will remind you to send a hefty payment to those people for protecting you so well." he gave her a soft kiss on the cheek and went back downstairs. "I guess this is goodbye huh?" I said sitting in the window frame, she smiled and gave me a soft passionate kiss on the lips before saying, "I am afraid so. Please be safe my dear." "Always." I stood up and leaned back and flipping back onto my feet on the street.

I began to walk over to the dock when I suddenly remembered, "Oh shit my bag!" and ran back to the estate to grab my belongings from my room.