The Blacksmith

After a shorter and much more calm trip back to the Inn, we decided to have a celebration of a job well done. All drinks were on the house for everyone at the inn. Everyone was having a wonderful time, there was singing, dancing, and so much drinking, the food was great. Overall it was an excellent time had by all, and when it was all said and done, and everyone was heading to their rooms or homes within the village, I sat down with the others to drink the last bit of ale we had in our tankards. "So, Mr.Crowfeather, what will you do now that this little mission is over?" Ambition asked, "Probably get some rest and head back to Ulvenguard, continue to pay off my debt, renovate my house a bit more. Hells, I might go back out to sea for a month or two, see if I can't bother a few pirates or whatever." Ambition chuckled as he took the last of his ale, "I might be leaving for home soon myself, probably first thing in the morning."

Before taking a drink I looked at him confused, "Why so early?" I asked him, "Ah, I'm not one for staying too long in one place, nor am I welcomed too many places because know…." he said gesturing to his face and horns, "Ah, well wherever you end up and wherever you go, I wish you the best of luck my friend." He smiled before raising his mug and leaving the table to head to his room, Rurik followed behind giving me a stern look before nodding. "Maryanne? What do you plan to do after all this?" "Me? Oh, well I have always wanted to visit Jimena's Tragedy, you see I once sent a lantern with a message attached to it into the sky and it landed there, since then the person who received it and I have been sending letters to one another, I don't know too much other than he's a half-elf who runs a seafood restaurant, apparently it serves a form of raw fish wrapped in rice and seaweed, it sounds strange but I'd love to try it."

Confusing but I might try it myself sometime, "Well I wish the best of luck to you." She smiled and bowed as she left the table. I was now completely alone at this table, nearly all the other patrons had gone home or to their rooms for the night and it was peaceful for a moment when I remembered that Tordrid wanted to talk. I drank whatever was left and headed to her room. I knocked on the door and I heard someone on the other side say, "Come in." I opened the door to see Tordrid there in just a comfortable set of clothes and a whisky bottle in her hand, she smiled as I came in, "Could you lock the door, please? I don't want anyone interrupting us."

I simply shrugged and locked the door behind me. I sat on the edge of the bed as she served us both a couple of glasses of the whisky she had. "Thanks. What's this for?" she smiled as she looked into the glass, my sister, the one this was all for, sent this bottle to me in secret and her letter told me that whenever she snuck herself a glass it always reminded her of home and for just a moment, she felt safe. She felt...better." I smiled and raised my glass, "Then let's drink to her memory, and though she might not have believed in my gods, may she find her way to the platinum gates of the grand haven and sit among them for she has earned her place." we clinked our glasses and drank. It was rather sweet with a subtle smoky aftertaste. "Wow..this is good."

We spent most of the night drinking the entire bottle and telling each other stories from our past laughing as quietly as we could to not wake the other guests sleeping in their rooms, "So this cleric gives the orc the note for a medication that he'll need called Skrugnee and he looks at it very confused and so he asks him "what's wrong can you read it?" and the orc says, "Read it? I know the bastard he's my wife's cousin" Tordrid laughed then looked at her now empty glass and sighed, "I don't think I remember laughing this much in so long, let alone felt this happy." I smiled, "I'm glad I could help with that." she put her hand on mine, "thank you, Shane...I mean it…" "'re drunk...I'm drunk...We-" she planted a quick kiss on my lips, "That wasn't the whisky talking…" we said nothing as we kissed again, deeper this time. The sweet taste of the whisky still on her lips as our hands each worked their way under our clothing.

Her body felt soft and smooth, she held up her arms so I could take off her shirt. Once it was off I brought her close to me holding one of her breasts in my hand and listening to her moan as I began to kiss her neck she pushed me away to have me stand up as she undid my belt, while she fuddled with it I decided to take off the rest of my clothes. A slight bit of shock came across her face, " that's what a human one looks like…" she bit her bottom lip as she took it in her hand and gave it a quick kiss before softly shoving me onto the bed. She sat on top of me and did her best to keep her moans quiet. I pulled her in close as I gently laid her on her back. "B-Be gentle...I don't wanna be too loud." I nodded and kissed one last time.

All I could hear from her were soft gentle moans, the moonlight glistening off our bodies, it was pure bliss. I don't remember how long we lasted but that didn't matter, in that moment we had each other even if it was just for one night. When I woke up, it was still dark out, and Tordrid was fast asleep. I smiled and gave her a quick peck on the cheek as I slowly moved out of the bed and put my clothes back on. As I went into my room I heard a knock at the door. Nalaed stood there, arms crossed and with a mischievous smile on her face, "Can I help you?" "I would say so see I wanted to have a little "chat" with you in your room when I heard the strangest thing coming from Tordrid's room." "And what did you hear?" She bit her bottom lip and giggled seductively.

She playfully pushed me back into my room, " say the least. You might have been quiet enough for everyone else not to hear...but I know what you two did." She sat me down on the side of the bed and sat on my lap, "but unlike sweet Tordrid, I don't plan on going to sleep." she kissed my neck then whispered in my ear, "I want you to keep me up all night, do you think you can do that?" I couldn't refuse and replied, "yeah...I can do that." instantly our lips became intertwined and the clothes came right off. With Tordrid, it was sweet and gentle almost loving, with Nalaed, it was only for the fun and the physical, our moans were quiet but erotic.

I pinned her against the wall, I had her lie prone, I pushed her against the glass as we went on an entire night making love, the sweat coming off our bodies shone in the lingering moonlight and the rising sunlight. When we finished we lied in bed, soaked head to toe in sweat, breathing heavily, "Hah...who knew humans could last this long, my past lover was a tabaxi and even he didn't have enough stamina to last this long." We laughed and kissed one last time before putting our clothes back on to join Tordrid on her cart to take us all back home, well most of us.

The trip back home was uneventful. We camped a few places here and there but all in all, it was a smooth trip. I said my goodbyes and made my way back home. It was then I realized, "Oh fuck we never agreed on what she'd pay me…" I have had many jobs over the years and I was paid rather well, however, this might just be the first and only job where I never got paid. "Ah well, at least it was for good cause." said to myself as I walked back home.

In the town square, I noticed something not familiar, a cart full of blacksmithing supplies. I walked over to see who happened to be moving into the old shop, from behind me I could hear a stern voice call out, "OI! You just gonna keep staring or are ya gonna offer a lass a hand?" I turned to see a muscular dwarven woman with dark red hair and eyes as green as emeralds. I shrugged and took one of the bigger boxes, "So, I guess you're new here?" I asked her, "aye, I usually move from place to place but I decided to settle my work down for a while, Ulvenguard seemed to be the right move, at least here I won't get screamed and yelled at for being a dwarf." We chuckled as we set her belongings down.

I helped her get the rest off the cart and set it all down in the shop, "Whew, thanks lad, what's your name?" "Shane Crowfeather. At your service." I said extending my hand, "Sannl Earthlord, at yours." she took my hand and strongly shook it. "It's pretty late to start opening everything, wanna grab a drink?" I asked her. She smiled, "You're sweet so why not. Sure." "Great I'll meet you at the wolf king's tavern in an hour." she nodded and we went on our merry way. About an hour later I came back with plenty of coin to pay for the both of us.

As we entered the place I was hit with the smell of hot food and warm mead, "Shane!" I heard a familiar voice say, "My friend it has been quite a while since I have seen you, and who might this be?" I turned to see Benicio, the half-elf bartender standing behind the bar cleaning a glass. "It's good to see you too benny, this is Sennl, she's new to town, she'll likely be running the blacksmith, "Ah, well then, your first drink is on the house. Welcome to Ulvenguard." She smiled as she took a seat at the bar and was served a full pint of mead. I received my drink and held it up carefully, here's to you, though we may have just met I hope to get to know a lot more and for a lot longer." she chuckled as she raised her pint, "Aye, cheers lad." From there we drank and had a wonderful time. In time who knows what new life she'll breathe here.