Broken hearted night

I waited there in my room for about a good few hours, resting in between to make sure I was awake enough to see the man. Midnight began to roll around and I could see a man walking down the street towards the brothel. From the drawing I noticed the same eyes and facial hair, there he was, already making his way towards the building just as planned. He stopped for a moment to look around and make sure no one else was there to see him. I moved out of the way so he wouldn't see me in the window and made my way out of the inn, "Oh Mr.Crowfeather, before ya go, a letter came for ya." The innkeeper said as I was heading out. "Leave it on the desk in my room, I'll hopefully be back in time to read it later." "Very well, good luck." With that, I put up my hood and his everything else with my cloak.

I watched as the noble walked up the steps and into the building, once he was inside I made my way over to follow him. As I entered the building, a wave of sights smells, and sounds overwhelmed my senses. There was a strong scent of incense in the main room, and in this room full of dark reds and purples, was an array of scantily clad men and women of the night, some customers, some workers. Perhaps in his 18th or 19th year, I saw a young man sit between two women, a human woman, and an elven woman, both topless as he switched between them when kissing them both passionately. This was not my focus however as I tried to find the noble. Then there, out of the corner of my eye, I saw him happily leaving with Vaninir. So as we agreed in detail, I would follow her and find a room near hers to make sure everything went according to plan.

However, I was stopped dead in my tracks when I felt a pair of arms envelop me from behind. "Oh my, such a strong man...we hardly ever get men like you here." taking a look behind me I saw a thin young man wearing very loose and lacy clothing holding onto me very closely, "uh well...I-" before I could say anything else I felt the soft hands of a woman hold my face and make me look forward. "My my, you're right Simon, he is a handsome and strong man...perhaps he would like to join the two of us upstairs?" in front of me was a half-elven woman with long blonde hair and wearing similar clothing to the young man named Simon behind me.

Then it hit me, I'm not too far behind, I could go along with them and see if I can't get a room near Vaninir to execute the plan. "You know what? Sure. Let's go somewhere more...private." biting their bottom lip they both escorted me up the stairs where I managed to catch a glimpse of Vaninir go into a room with Longdragon. Even better I got the room next to hers. As we went in the half-elf and young Simon began to seductively take their clothes off. "Oh! Uh… you don't need to do that." "What?" they both said in unison. "What I mean is, I'm here on a job." "What job would that be?" Simon said, annoyed and arms crossed, "I...I was tasked to assassinate Sven Longdragon. The noble." both their eyes widened, "Oh...OH! Oh, my gods, you're going" "You're not going to call for help or the local city guard are you?" the half-elf chuckled, "Oh gods no. Even they hate the guy, they won't do jack shit. So how can we help?" I thought for a moment, "what does he usually order to drink here?" I asked, "Usually it's a glass of wine to help him get some sleep after he's done doing his deeds, but more often than not he orders a special drink known here as the sunset ale."

"Sunset ale? What's that?" I asked, "oh it's just regular ale with a citrus or fruity like aftertaste, it gives him a bit of an energetic boost, or so I've heard. I kind of want one now, Kira would you like one?" Simon said sitting down on the end of the bed, the half-elf thought for a moment, "yeah, I haven't had a good drink in a while." "Well then we order three big mugs of this sunset ale, and after he's done, we give him this third one as a gift, saying we mistakenly got one mug extra." They both nodded and Simon went back downstairs to get the drinks. "So...Mr.Assassin…." "Call me Shane." "Right, Shane, if we need to wait why know...spend some time with us huh?" I chuckled.

"You see I would, however, I have someone waiting for me back home, and it wouldn't be right to do this behind her back." "Ah, a man who believes in true love. So few of those nowadays." A laughed slightly as Simon came back with a tray with mugs filled to the brim of the ale. "Perfect. Now we wait." And we waited for hours. Until finally, at around four o'clock, we heard the thumping of the headboard in the next room slow down to a stop. "By the fucking allfathers finally!" I said, "Kira, take this ale to him." I said as I poured the poison into it. "Right, but wait at least five minutes, lets let him rest at least somewhat. So we all sat there, ears against the wall to see if we could hear any conversation, and then we heard him speak.

"Well, that was incredible dear, I do hope you enjoyed it as much as I did." "Oh I did my dear, perhaps you would like to go on a little longer?" "Ha! I would love to but perhaps that was enough for tonight. "Go, Kira! Before he changes his mind." She nodded and took the poisoned al to the next room, "Oh? Someones at the door...hello?" "Oh hello handsome, I thought I'd bring you this ale from next door, they accidentally gave us one extra, and let me tell ya if there's one thing we don't need it's an extra one of him." "Well then...thank you." We heard the door close and Kira rush over, "he took it. How long until it takes effect?" "if he drinks it he'll last a good half an hour before his heart comes to a complete stop."

"My dear would you care for a bit of a drink." We heard him say, "sure...ooh, now that was good." "hm...oh my...Now I feel ready for another round. Come here!" and once again we heard the thumping of the headboard, "I should take my leave, here. For all your troubles." I handed them each 30 gold. "Thanks. When the guards eventually come we won't tell a soul who was even here." I winked and went on my way back to the inn, "Oh! Mr.Crowfeather welcome back. I hope you got business dealt with." "I did. Have a good night Mr. innkeeper." "Goodnight sir." As I climbed back up the steps to my room I had no idea what awaited me.

Long past midnight I decided to get some sleep before finishing things up. Surprisingly I guess I needed to sleep as I woke up and it was still dark, asking the innkeeper why that was he said, "Oh, It seems you'd slept for the whole day yesterday, staying awake for too long or not sleeping for too long a time can do that to ya don't ya know." "Oh, so what time is it now?" "it'd be...half an hour till midnight Mr.Crowfeather." "Ah, thank you. I guess I'll have something to eat down here before going back to my room." "perfect, I have some fresh rabbit and potato stew, it goes great with our cheese and mountain mushroom buns." "I'd like that thank you." h smiled as he went in the back to serve the food. After I ate I reached over to my coin pouch to pay the man but he shook his head, "no, you're room and board have already been paid for." "Oh come on, it's the least I could do." "No I mean it, please, keep your coin, your company was payment enough, besides, I won't have to serve rude and unappreciative soldiers because of what you've done." I chuckled and made my way back up to my room, "by the by, have you gotten a chance to read that letter you were sent?" "oh, I haven't, I'll take a look at it now."

As I made my way back up to the room I saw the letter there on the counter next to the bed. I lit the candle on the counter so I could read the letter. What I saw next, I did not expect. It read, "Dear Shane, my dearest Shane, I send you this letter in hopes that it finds you in good health, for you see I no longer wish for us to be together. This may come as an abrupt shock and I understand the situation as such, however, I couldn't bear to see myself breaking your heart face to face. You see I could not stop thinking about our relationship and what it has become. As hard as I try all I could think about were the moments I would dread not seeing you at my side for so long let alone ever again. And those moments came few and far between with endless hours of work, I hardly remember a time where I willingly took time away from it all to be with you. You that wonderful man who took such a dark predicament in his life and filled it with joy, love, and care for the world and the people around you. I also did not want this relationship of ours to become solely physical, I want more than just you physically I want you to be mentally and romantically mine, but it cannot go on this way, so I am genuinely and truly sorry, and I do not doubt that you harbor true love for me, I am sad to say that my love for you has faded. As of the day you receive this letter I would have long left Ulvenguard to new lands. Perhaps one day we will see each other again. Goodbye and thank you. Truly for everything.


As I sat there, reading the last lines of the letter I felt as though a spear had pierced my heart, I never thought I would ever harbor this feeling ever again. Not since Belladonna and I had ended our relationship all those years ago, unfortunately for me, there was no rain to hide my tears this time, only darkness and the ever glowing light of the red light district just across the street. Speaking of, a knock came at my door. Poking her head in Vaninir came into the room, "Hello my dear how are you this fine...oh...oh my. Has this life taken a toll on you all of a sudden, my dear?" " woman I love...or should I say loved, she sent me this," I said handing her the letter. " my. Oh my dear you must be heartbroken." I said nothing and nodded, "I should be left alone, I'll talk to you tomorrow morning."

She shook her head, "My dear this is Trila, the city of passion and pleasure. Just for tonight, You'll forget all about her, and when you get home, you can mourn and sulk till you are satisfied." "...fine, but how do you plan on doing that?" She smiled as she took out a little red vial, "take this and follow me." Without a second thought I drank whatever was in the tiny vial, "it tastes like children's medicine." "Well even though it's not pleasant within an hour you'll start to feel a monstrous level of lust."

I looked at her confused as I followed her into her cart, "To the golden unicorn please." she told the art driver as I got inside. "So how does this help my situation?" I asked, "Well you see, this potion allows the person to feel an animalistic thirst for lust and pleasure, and it'll likely be the only thing on your mind for quite a while." "Alright...and what exactly is this golden unicorn place going to do?" "well for starters is the most extravagant and amazing bordello in all of Trila, people from miles around just to see it. And you, my dear, will get to experience it." I sighed deeply, "fine." After about half an hour we arrived at a rather large building, around five to six stories tall and top to bottom nearly littered with red lanterns.

"Follow me dear." I followed Vaninir inside, it was just like the other brothel, the sights and sounds were intense. The only difference here was that many of the workers wore masquerade-style masks. Vaninir walked up to the front desk where there was an attractive older elven woman with grey hair writing some things down on a clipboard, "Ah, dearest Vaninir, what can I do for you my love?" the lady said, "Valda, you gorgeous woman, my friend here has recently had his poor heart broken and I would like for him to forget about this heartbreak, at least for tonight." Valda thought for a moment, "I believe I know just the girl. Here boy, take this key to room seven-D. A gorgeous soundproof room just like all the rest, with a big window that lets you see the whole city. I'll notify her where you are, just sit tight and relax there while you wait."

I took the key and looked at Vaninir, "You'll be fine, good luck, and have fun." I sighed and walked up the stairs leading to the seventh floor. As I entered the room I was assigned I was amazed at how beautiful and oddly comfortable the room was, red velvet covers on the bed, dark red curtains on the window, and the strong scent of lavender in the air. I stayed in the room for a while until I heard a knock at the door. I got up from the bed and took a deep breath. There standing in the now open doorway was a beautiful dwarven woman with long dirty blonde hair tied into some fancy braids, jade green eyes, a beautiful bodice, and red dress along with a violet choker necklace. Underneath which she wore fishnet stockings and heeled leather boots.

She took out a fan and began to fan herself. "So, you're the supposed heartbroken man?" "you could say so." "She smiled behind her fan, "I like men like you, so broken and sad." I sat on the side of the bed, my heart now beginning to race, the potion I was given was starting to kick in, "That poor woman doesn't know what she's missing now does she?" I wanted to say something else entirely but the words that came out of my mouth were, "yeah...not a damn thing. I guess you'll have to get what she didn't want." she turned biting her bottom lip, "ohh, feisty I love it." she then sat on my lap and pushed the rest of me onto the soft bed, as she undid her bodice she said, "I'm gonna make you forget all about her, I'll make you so much happier, even if it's just for tonight, I will be your only lover under the blessed moonlight. You need a real woman, and I Jarana Thundermaster will gladly help you achieve happiness again."

Without thinking I took off whatever clothes I had on me and helped her get out of hers. The potion had now taken full effect. At that moment I forgot about Sannl, I forgot about the noble, I forgot about everyone and everything around me, this was the only moment I was present in, all I could sense was pure ecstasy and pleasure, all I could see was Jarna, the sweat upon her brow and the pleasure on her face, however, I couldn't hear anything. I saw her face and I could tell she was moaning and loving the moment but I couldn't hear her at all, I closed my eyes for a moment and in a snap, I heard, "S-stop! Stop for a moment!" instantly I was brought back to reality, my heart still racing, nothing on my mind but wanting her, "I need a moment darling...hooo...oh my gods…come here and give me a kiss." I bent down and kissed her passionately when I pulled back I noticed that we were both soaked from head to toe in sweat, "I know you still want to keep going darling, and so do I trust me, but let's just stop and rest, just for a few minutes."

I nodded and laid down next to her, "heh heh, oh my, I haven't done anything like that in years, maybe I need to deal with you heartbroken boys more often, forget all about those rich tourists who can barely last five minutes, you broken'll last hours just to forget bout whoever your previous lady was." " long was that?" "around...three maybe four hours. I can't blame you, they don't call me Thundermaster for nothing." "Why do they call you Thundermaster?" I asked, "because the sound of my thighs can mimic the sound of thunder," she said giggling. She took a deep breath before giving me a quick kiss, "so, you ready to again?" I nodded and went back into it with her. The next morning I woke up next to her deep in slumber, I sighed and walked over to the window, the sun had just crested over the horizon and I knew the night was over and I had to return home.

Back downstairs everything was quiet as I left the woman at the front desk the key to the room she gave me, "Thank you for visiting the golden unicorn, hope to see you again sometime." I turned to look over my shoulder, "sure. But who knows." I said exiting the building. Back at the inn, after visiting the mayor and receiving my payment, I went back into my room and packed all of my belongings to finally make my way back to the docks. "Captain! You're back...and less happy than you should be….you alright?" voyage asked, "I'd rather not talk about it. Let's just go home." She nodded and tasked the rest of the crew to get to work.

The return home was a silent and somber one. I said nothing as I walked off the ship making my way back to the house, however, on my way there I spotted the now empty blacksmith shop, dark, and cold. I shook my head and kept walking, not wanting to remind myself of the past. Back home, all I did was find a chair. I lit no candles nor lanterns, I did not light the fireplace, I did nothing else but sit there. Alone. In the darkness of the coming night. With my heart in pieces.