The Prince's bodyguard

I stood up and went outside to face these mysterious figures, "Hey! The hells do you think you're doing?" The figures turned to face me and then turned to each other and walked towards me, "are you Shane Crowfeather?" one of them asked, "I am...Who's asking?" The figure removed his hood to reveal that he was the king of the ironwood elves Arod Rothenel. He was an older elf, long brown hair beginning to grey, light jade green eyes, and standing rather tall, he made his presence known as he turned to the pub and many of the patrons kneeled out of respect, "please, there is no need for that, you may all stand, I only wish to speak to Mr.Crowfeather." he turned back to me, "What do you need me for?" I asked, "well, I believe we should speak in private, may we accompany you to your home?"