What lies on the horizon

Weeks of training along with weekly letters back and forth from both the king and Aelar have caused quite a stir here in Ulvenguard. I even received a sketch Aelar had done of the both of us in the forest. One clear weather day I was helping out a random ship unload their cargo, "So Crowfeather, you excited to see battle?" a half-orc said setting down a crate. "Me? No, I'm a rogue, I sneak around and stab people, I don't fight head-on. The most I'm trained to do is get in close, cause as much damage as possible and get out. Hell, most of what I was taught for face-to-face fights is defensive."  The half-orc chuckled, "so whatchu be doing the entire battle eh?" "I will be keeping the king and his son safe, keeping an eye out for anyone wanting to get a shot at either."