Chapter # 5 New faces and Interrogation

My alarm went off at 20 till 6 i rolled out of bed hurried up and shut my alarm off , grabbed a black camp tank top, and threw on my black sweats , then grabbed a black hood, put on my black sneakers then was out the door , careful that I didn't wake anyone, I put my ear buds in , listening to my music while jogging towards the gym, then I stopped and remembered Sky was heading my way , I turned to the direction of her apartment and started jogging towards her cabin . When I saw Asher and his pals .

Oh look there's the new kid " one of them taunted ".

Don't start with me i'm in no mood , Plus didn't Mr. Popo warn you just last night about messing with Sky ? I don't want to have to talk to the councilors or Mr. Popo. " Edmond warned ".

They all started walking towards Edmond when a voice stopped them cold . turned towards the voice and there stood Professor Brom.

Professor Brom

I hope you headed Mr. Popo's words otherwise , He won't be as forgiving . I would hate to see what would happen next if you disobeyed Mr. Popo .

They shot Edmond a menacing glare , and walked towards the mess hall.

You have a knack for attracting trouble my boy " Professor Brom said ".

It's not my fault people pick fights with me , I guess wrong place wrong time " Edmond shrugged ".

Not according to Sky , if you wouldn't have stopped those boys who know's what could have happened " Professor Brom replied". well carry on

Edmond looked down at his watch is was 6:15 am ...SHIT !!! I'm late , with that he ran.

Sky was sitting on the stairs outside the gym , " Maybe he ditched me , maybe he isn't coming she looked down " then to her amazement Edmond appeared in front of her , " I thought you ditched me ? " she was staring down at the ground .

"I said I'd be here , sorry i'm late I ran into Asher and his pals I'm pretty sure they are still pissed off at me , I imagine they will start trouble sooner or later" " He Said " as He held out his hand to help Sky up , as she grabbed his hand he was looking at her outfit , same hoodie she had on last night with grey joggers , and her blue hair was up in a ponytail .

They got inside the gym and went straight to the training area , Edmond began taking off his shoes and Jacket , when he noticed Sky taking off her hoodie to reveal that she was only wearing a sports bra under her hoodie , He turned around real quick to hide his face , " why the fuck is she taking off her Hoodie ? He felt his face become hot , He didn't know how to deal with it let alone he had to train with her which made this ten times worse.

Sky noticed this action and began to giggle walking towards him , "I take you are not used to seeing girls with out clothes are you ? Walking toward him putting a hand on his chest .

You know you had me fooled for a second " there is just one thing you missed , Sky has a tattoo on her left upper arm , what do you want , and who the hell are you working for ? and more importantly what did you do with Sky ? " Edmond noticed something wasn't right about this whole situation".

"Well your pretty observant for a newby " she changed form into a young woman , She seemed to be around 17 or 18 with brunette hair and Ice blue eyes with a blue denim jacket a white camp tank top and skin tight blue jeans , Long blue nails and a little bit of make-up on , No doubt she was pretty popular with the guys .

The name is Scarlet , and don't worry your girlfriend she is safe newby, I just want to talk to you for a second , Noticing Edmond looked a bit irritated " you know you should try smiling more often " .

Scarlett age 17 ( 4 year camper)

One get to the damn point already and two give Sky back and three Sky is not my girlfriend I just met her yesterday " Edmond said clearly starting to get even more angry ".

Like I said Sky is safe , there is something that seems familiar about you , I just can't figure out what it is " Scarlett said "

Well you don't look familiar to me " Edmond growled ".

I know you met my brothers yesterday Peter and Johnathan " she said with a smile "

They are your brothers , I feel bad for them to have such a pain in the ass for a sibling " Edmond spat" .

Now now I haven't been mean with you so there is no need to get nasty with me " Scarlett said back"

SCARLETT that is enough " Peter and John came from behind the corner with Sky ".

Is everything okay ? Sky asked " I'm sorry i'm late I bumped into Peter and John and they said they'd walk me here ".

Clearly feeling that there was tension in the air , Peter stepped forward "I'm sorry if my sister caused you any trouble , She can be a bit of a pain some times ". glaring directly at his younger sister ".

That's no fair , I was just trying to find out stuff about him that's all " She crossed her arms pouting ".

It's fine , Next time just ask me directly " Edmond scowled ".

fair enough , Come on bro's lets go get breakfast . " scarlett said walking away" until Peter and John stood in front of her ,

" You owe Edmond an apology" Peter said ".

She turned towards him ' I'm sorry " . and walked away .

I do apologize for her behavior, I didn't raise her to act like that I swear " Peter said shaking his head ".

Don't worry about it " Edmond said " It's fine . You raised her and John ?

I did , I didn't have much choice " Considering my background and past which we will not get into now , But maybe i'll explain some other time , But I have to go scold my sister so I'll catch you later Okay ? " said Peter ".

Sounds like a plan " Edmond nodded " as Peter and John walked away .

Edmond couldn't help but feel like maybe Scarlett was right maybe they are connected in some way watching Peter and Johnathan walk away . Not to mention Peter and Him were not all that different . They both raised their younger siblings and they would do anything for them .

Maybe we are not as different as I thought .