Chapter 4 : A Thank you

As Lucia sits by her big brothers side , she looks at the time it was 9:51 pm Edmond had been passed out for awhile . Lucia began to worry this wasn't exactly normal for him to be out for this long , so she decided to go find Dr. Dray to ask him when she heard voices in the hall , they were talking about her and Edmond , The one voice was Dr. Dray while the other she had no idea who he was , she decided to take a chance and peek at the stranger , He was very tall blonde with glasses and white and red striped collared shirt tucked into his blue jeans .

As Lucia was looking at him he noticed her , Lucia quickly got back . Oh Lucia come here my dear Dr Dray " motioned for her to come forward . As she reached him she sensed a sense of peace about him , Like being near him was the safest place for her to be , " This is Peter my dear " Dr. Dray introduced the two "

She looked at Peter and stuck out her hand , pleasure to meet you Peter " Lucia gently smiled at the taller boy and as she observed him, looked to be about 20 maybe ... But then looks can be deceiving. as her brother and Damon taught her .

Well you have very good manners for such a pretty face " Peter said " He took a moment as he studied the child , and knew this would be the beginning of a bond between them . but he also sensed a dark aura about the child , something disturbing , and also a familiar presence he would meet eventually sooner or later . But he knew he had to protect this child . He was quickly snapped out his thoughts when he heard a familiar voice .

Yo what is taking so long Pete ? as a young man approached the three of them . Lucia turned to see a tall , longish blood red hair he had Ice blue piercing eyes and wore a black jacket while shirtless underneath with black jeans, he was definitely the total polar opposite of Peter . JOHNATHAN " both Dr. Dray and Peter Greeted " .

As Johnathan approached he saw the young girl , Who is the munchkin ?

Hey !!! " Lucia said pouting " I'm Lucia . Not MUNCHKIN.

My Mistake Munchkin " Johnathan said smiling "

BEHAVE John " Peter and Dr. Dray said in unison ".

What's with all the Damn racket they heard a voice in the hall , It was Edmond . Lucia ran towards him and leaped into his arms , Are you okay she asked ?

Yeah i'm fine my head just hurts a little " Edmond said wrapping his arms around his little sister . He glared daggers at the three men at the end of the hall .

All three of them noticed that Edmond's eyes immediately changed their color to poison green eyes . Peter 's eyes widened he noticed that Edmond's body language is in protective mode .

Calm down son , here i'll introduce you to them , This is Peter and Johnathan Michael , they are siblings like you too . Peter came to check up on me and you too , That's all son " Dr. Dray explained". They all noticed his body relax a little but still holding his sister , and his eyes turned to their normal shade of blue .

I understand what it's like to protect a younger sibling , and I respect you for that . I can see you love each other a lot " Peter said ".

Johnathan nodded in agreement. and then spoke up it's late we should head to bed we are already braking curfew by being here.

Dr. Dray looked at them" I will escort you all to your cabins so you don't get into trouble".

As they were walking back Mr. Popo was walking straight for with Asher and the two others who provoked Edmond in front him . When they reached them Mr. Popo smacked Asher and the other boys across the back of their heads , "APOLOGIZE NOW!!!! " Mr. Popo said still full of rage".

Umm I'm sorry ... New kid . " Asher said " as his friends all started blubbering sorry under their breath .

I'ts Edmond " Edmond corrected him " .

Asher glared back at him . Mr. Popo looked at him " AND THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN AND IF IT DOES ... He let the threat hang in the air , But they all had a feeling that next they wouldn't be left off.... NOW GET GOING " Mr. Popo roared "

with that the boys took off running .

Dr. Dray looked at Mr. Popo ... Well whatever you said to them it scared the shit out of them .. What did you say to them ?

NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" He looked at Dr. Dray . Then he looked at Edmond , There is someone who wants to talk to you , She wanted to wait until they left to talk to you . " Mr. Popo turned around and walked away".

They turned to see a girl in a hoodie come out from behind one of the cabins , She took off her hood, to reveal the girl Edmond saved . Dr. Dray cleared his throat and looked at Peter , Johnathan and Lucia , Let's let them two talk a bit ... Edmond if you get into trouble tell them I said they can talk to me and I'll take full responsibility.

Edmond nodded as they all followed the Dr. leaving Edmond with the girl . Edmond kinda stood there feeling awkward , He was never good at talking to girls .

I wanted to thank you for what you did today , Not a lot of guys would have stood up to Asher like you did , By the way my name is Sky Northbrook.

Edmond just nodded sticking his hands in his pockets , he looked at her thinking she was really pretty , then he noticed she was wearing her pajamas , They were snowflake printed along with a blue and white hoodie with a snowflake on her right side of the chest.

Sky Northbrook age 15 ( 10 year Camper)

you really didn't have to get out of bed just to say thank you " Edmond said awkwardly".

But I wanted to, Would you maybe help me train tomorrow " Sky asked sheepishly " staring at the ground .

Edmond sighed I may not be good at it , I'm still new here .

I'll help you " she said with a small smile ".

Edmond sighed in defeat , He didn't want her to be disappoint the girl . she was already shy like he ... I guess , what time ? "

She looked up happy , How about I come pick you up around say 6am ? " Sky suggested "

Okay " Edmond replied ".

She smile at him , okay 6 it is then , well we better get some sleep . she was starting to turn to walk away from him when He called for her , Sky turned back around ,.

What is it ? " Sky Asked "

Let me walk you back to your cabin , I don't trust that those morons won't try something , not to mention its dark . " Edmond Said ".

Oh Okay but you really don't ...

Edmond glared at her . He wasn't sure but he thought that he felt eyes watching him and Sky.

Okay she said it's this way . and with that they headed towards her cabin , Not knowing that a strange presence was watching her and Edmond from the shadows .

As the stranger in the shadows watched Edmond and Sky walk away together , He thought to himself "we will me again soon enough my dear boy ". and will unlock your true identity . And with that he vanished .