Chapter 2 : Welcome To Camp Stormborn

We get to the camp and it's dark , The camp is quiet with some torches burning for light's , Chiron leads me to the Medic cabin where my blood turned cold , The Dr. was as pale almost like his lab coat and the nurse looked young and beautiful hell they both were .

( Again I do not own Any of these photo's )

your sister is better just a sprained ankle . She looks at me with her sweet smile letting me know everything is okay . Uhhhh Thanks " I said "

No problem , It's what i'm here for " rest is what you all need we will worry about how this happened in the morning . " Dr. Dray " advised as Chiron agreed . " I do believe that is wise , for now let us go to the main house .

( Picture it dark ) I do not own this Photo's that i'm about to post on this book )

We got to the main house and I noticed that there was an empty cabin in the distance . it looked creepy like a haunted house .... Who's cabin is that ?" I asked"

Chiron looked at it turned and said we will worry about that and introductions tomorrow , right now time for you to rest and with that he showed us to a spare bedroom and went to sleep . ...... Next day we all woke , Damon stretched that was the best sleep iv'e had in a very long time, Lucia woke up and stretched as well .I woke up clearly not a morning person, I was about to head back to bed when a knock came to the door rise and shine children if you want a decent shower and breakfast , and with that we were out the door . I turned on the shower feeling the hot water run down my back , it felt amazing ! I can't remember the last time I and Damon showered ( Obviously is separated ) . Probably two weeks, it was very much needed . we both got out of the shower and dressed our selves , went outside to find Lucia headed straight towards us in a cute outfit .

Hey you guys you look great " Lucia said "

Thanks " we said in unison"

We all were at a loss where we should go , we started walking around the camp skimming for a familiar face of Chiron or the Dr. Dray , But no such luck so we ended up just walking around until we found a huge sign that said mess hall. we all three walked in on a meeting with Chiron , Dr. Dray and his wife , and a couple of other men , they all stared at us .

Come in children " Chiron said with a warm smile" . I'll introduce you to the camp founders and your cabin mates soon , I woke you up first so you guys could feel comfortable with us adults first before the campers awake".

Edmond looked at the time it was 6 am. Okay .... So who are your friends? "I asked suspiciously"

Well I'm glad you Asked , You already met Dr. Dray and his wife Lillian , This is one of the Founders Professor Brom and his wife Polly . This is Mark your other councilor His wife Sara . This is your Marshal arts teacher Jinn and his wife Ivy , Last but not least one of my favorite councilors Mr. Popo . Well that concludes Introductions . " Chiron voiced "

Everyone nodded at the children , Dr. Dray looked at the children , are you feeling better my dear Lucia ?

yyyy yes sir " Lucia said with hesitation "

There is No need to be frightened my dear you are very safe here , " Polly said standing up and walking towards her but was stopped by Edmond , His eyes Narrowed That's far enough thank you " Edmond said "

I understand your just protecting your sister who you obviously love very much , But don't worry we are your friends here . " Polly said smiling gently "

you forget I don't know any of you , you could be Lying ... still standing between Lucia and Polly narrowing his eyes more , his hand clenched. The last time someone said that to me Lucia was taken and I was tortured. " Edmond said "

This may get heated " Chiron thought standing up " Son please calm down I promise we will not harm you or your friends , for that i can assure you , we are on your side . " Chiron said walking over to him , Chiron took a moment to look at the boy , he was right . The boy was mentally and physically abused . He could tell by looking into his eyes this boy saw and felt pain , He took a good look at his face there was a scar across his right eye and scars lined his hands and neck . This boy was tortured. Kinda like someone else I know "Chiron thought " Looking over to Mr. Popo.

Edmond, Lucia and Damon all got the strangest feeling that Mr. Popo was not this mans real name more like analysis . He didn't look like the type of man you wanted on your bad side. Mr. Popo stood up , Polly The boy is obviously in need of space step away from him . " With red piercing eyes looking at them " He walked over to Edmond stared at the boy then walked out the door . Edmond watched him leave . That man .... Edmond was snapped out of his thoughts by Lucia tugging at his arm and holding his hand for him to calm down. Damon nodding at Edmond.

Maybe we should give them a chance . " Damon looked at him . " Edmond silently agreed ".

Okay but if think think that these guys are trouble we are out " Edmond whispered to his sister and Damon ". Both nodded in agreement ... Alright say we do trust you what will happen to us ?

Well my son that is all entirely up to you " Chiron said ".

As they were walking around the camp Chiron began showing them the training groups . Teenagers , children even younger then them fighting and training , Even even young toddlers were learning as well , But they had lesson time . And then they were free to play on the playground . Lucia being curious asked , are they orphans ?

Chiron looked at her yes they are , we have some that are monsters , some halfbloods , Ghouls and others. that were either abandoned or are orphans . But most of them are orphans . They are free to be children and to play, while our teenagers are training to be warriors, as you can tell you have already figured out that we are really and the Olympian Gods , Norse Gods , And Egyptian Gods . But we are having a hard time pin pointing what you are or what you maybe , we will be testing you to see what your capable of .

Damon if i had to guess I'd say you were a half blood , by your looks and you bone structure , you look alot Like Hades God of the underworld .

WHAT???? Damon said " oh yeah that's right your brothers . So i guess that means my siblings are children of Hades too ? we are all biological siblings .

Wow that's impressive I've never known Hades to be loyal except to the woman he is with now " Chiron said " .

Hey Dweeb ! they heard a voice from behind them , and turned around , It was Damon's older brother and siblings .

Eldest son of Hades , Nicolas age 18

Do Not own these photo's

Hades daughter Gwen age 17

Edmond's Bestfriend Damon Younger Son of Hades age 15

I do not own this photo

So these are your sibling huh? You all look like Hades , "Chiron left out a laugh " I'm sorry I'm laughing I'm not making fun it just surprises that he was loyal for once , he must have been in love . When we were younger he was popular with the Ladies .

I don't understand whats so funny about that , "Gwen chided in " Edmond looked over hey Gwen giving her a hug , She hugged him back then slapped him across the face yelling and scolding the younger children " What the hell !!!! I heard you fought a Minotaur and you she looked at Lucia fell out of a tree and sprained your ankle what have i told you guys about that , Edmond , Damon and Lucia all looked down in shame " we are sorry " all in unison " .

Chiron stared in amazement that the respect they showed for the mother like figure . Well Gwen it was nice meeting you . and you too Nicolas . Now lets go eat , they went to the lunch hall where people were beginning to get breakfast , Chiron notice that more students were awake now..

Chiron looked at the kids and said I'll be sitting up front but for now just have a seat at this table . They looked at the table It said Undetermined (Meaning The didn't know who the parents are) . Nicolas , and Gwen were already claimed this morning as children of Hades which I am assuming you were claimed at the same time but you were sleeping so you three can go to the Hades table.

Damon gave Edmond and Lucia a sad look , I'm sorry guys we'll catch up later . Edmond waved him off no big deal , Go spend time with them. "Edmond said " Damon smiled at his friend and joined his siblings . with that Edmond and Lucia were left at the Undetermined cabin table.

Sitting at the table was kinda awkward receiving menacing stares from every direction hearing whispers and spreading rumors already , we literally got here last night and everyone is already getting on my last nerve . " Edmond thought " . Lucia on the other hand could hear everything that everyone was saying about her and her brother , She started to shake , and started to cry .

Mr Popo who was watching Lucia and Edmond noticed the young girl and could tell she was upset , Said in a booming voice "ENOUGH!!!!!!" the room was growing darker and the only light flickered around the room was dim to where they could only see Mr. Popo . If I wanted to hear gossip I would have turned on my tv now shut up and eat your damn breakfast ."

Mr. Popo Age (Unknown ) (One of the founders & Camp Leaders)

And with that the lights turned back to normal and the room was silent . Satisfied Mr. Popo sat down and ate his breakfast .

Chiron Cleared his throat and said with a booming Voice " We have some new campers today , I want you all to welcome them , and not be ass's about it either you understand ? Good !

They all continued to eat , and the announcements began

Over the intercoms at 1;00 Children there will be a history lesson with Mrs. Polly and at 2:00 training in the armory with your marshal arts trainer Jinn Worthstrom , at 3 :00 there will be time for other activities all you children enjoy the rest of you're day . .... and with that everyone was done eating and on their way to class .

History class room

History Class with Mrs. Polly

Hello I am your History teacher and magic Arts Teacher as well as Professor Brom , As most of you know I am his wife , But if you didn't know this congrats on learning something you didn't know , The class all chuckled .

I'll be pairing you off in three's so please be nice to your class mates and If I see any type of bullying I will kick the shit out of you . and Professor Brom is nicer then I so just remember who your dealing with , As my husband says "DO Not let Forms Fool you " . Any way lets get to it , welcome new comers .

Todays lesson is about how Names have power so becareful which names you use and how you use them , Take the Olympian Gods and the Titans they take that shit seriously and you should as well . Like for example Ill say my husband cause I can get away with it . If I use his name in a derogatory way He's be upset Right ?

The class intently listened as she explained the scenario , Just then the class noticed Professor in the door way , Just watching her teach . Edmond noticed the love he had for her just watching her , He smiled at least thats a good marriage , Their Kids probably look up to him and Her , Atleast They have good parents . who are there for them . Just then he was snapped out of his thoughts By his name being called .

Edmond you'll be partnered with your sister since she seems Uncomfortable so I will allow it for this school year , Until she gets used to it , as well you will be partnered with Sky Northbrook , You guys will Called team #7 . and with that the bell rang it was now 2:00 .

Mrs. Polly handed them all sheets of paper while they exited the class , the sheet was of tall the Team names and numbers .

Team # 1 Peter , Johnathan , Scarrlett

Team # 2 Jacklie , Jackle , Anglena

Team # 3 Asher , Drax , Rex ( All three Aries Kids )

Team #4 Hunter , Andrew , Jason

Team #5 Nicolas , Gwen , Damon ( Hades Children )

Team #6 Jill , Jennifer , Koyto

Team #7 Edmond , Sky Northbrook , Lucia

After that It was the Teachers and Camp Leaders

Mr. Popo (Vice Pricipal)

Chiron & Samantha ( His Wife )

Professor Brom & Polly ( History & Magic Arts ) ( Principal )

Dr . Dray & Natalie ( Infirmary Dr. )

Miss Ava ( Teacher of Weapons Trainer )

Mr. Jinn ( Marshal Arts Teacher )

Mark And Sara Marshal ( Mechanic & Forging teacher )

Polly Looked at Edmond Welcome to camp Stormborn .

Thank's I guess . " Edmond said .

Don't worry you'll get used to it here . " I hope my Husband hasnt scared you away yet . " Polly asked "

haha No Professor is one of the coolest guys I've met here yet. as well as Chiron "Edmond said chuckling " I haven't really met Mr. Popo yet , He does'nt seem to like kids all that much .

Don't let forms fool you remember Mr. Popo cares its justhe doesn't show it . " Polly said "But anyway If there is anything you guys need just Let us know .

I will thank you " Said Edmond " and with that Edmond walked out of the class room . towards the doors where Lucia was waiting for him .

I was beginning to think I'd have to go to the Library with out you , She said with a giggle , I want to check out the books on Dark art and stuff . Finding out some History about this place couldn't be so bad right Ed? " Lucia said with excitement"

I guess we can go check The library. Maybe I can find out some info . " Edmond said shrugging his shoulders .

Alright lets go . " said Lucia"

I got to run back to our cabin quick okay "

Okay I'll meet you there then " Lucia said then ran off in the Direction of the Library"